Be Smart With Your Money

Surely at this point in the year (with more than half a month of elapsed January), you have set goals that you think meet until end of year. If so, I congratulate you. Of the contrary, I reason that you don’t waste one minute and start plotting targets for each of the areas of your life that this, in this article I want to focus to one not minor issue, which has to do with the financial intelligence. Although the word intelligence often intimidates people, don’t need to be an ACE of the business or an avesado inverter for the NYSE to enjoy a certain degree of financial intelligence acquires is financial intelligence based on focus, effort, determination and above all, desire to Excel, and to be more specific, it requires much study and practice to enhance your financial intelligence, you need to read a lot about financial issues and at the same time, you need to listen to audiobooks, watch videos, attend seminars update, etc, etc, but above all, you need to practice the information you consume if we rely on the fabulous concept of intelligence that Robert Kiyosaki handles, we can say, that intelligence is the ability to quickly understand things, then the financial intelligence is the ability to quickly understand the numbers and financial concepts. Now, as you can get to that level quickly understand the numbers and financial concepts?.

Simply on the basis of much study and lots of practice. The more you read, study and practice, you more amplificaras your mental context, and will have one greater capacity to begin to understand the numbers and concepts, much more quickly. It is said that there are only two types of people in this 21st century,: the quick and the dead. It even speaks of the living and the dead, because you may very well be alive, but thanks to your laziness and indifference, don’t be a contribution to anyone and therefore, your life is limited to endless hours of mediocrity and frustration.