The National Alliance party presented a motion for order of the day # 8188, in which congressmen members of the parliamentary Alliance national group, through its spokesman steering the Congressman Walter Menchola Vasquez, agreed to request the formation of a Special Commission, responsible for investigating the alleged irregularities committed in the subscription, formalization and execution of the exploitation contractsExploration, transport, distribution and other related the Camisea Gas. This Special Commission will be also charged with investigating the issuance of rules and regulations that could adversely affect the interests of the Peruvian State. It should be noted that this motion is based on the protection afforded by the Constitution to the Congress of the Republic to initiate, within the exercise of its supervisory work, investigations on any matter of public interest. Also, our Constitution establishes that renewable and non-renewable natural resources they are heritage of the nation and the State is sovereign of its exploitation. National Alliance Caucus has expressed, in this way, its deep concern on the subject of the Camisea Gas, taking into account that during the time elapsed, understood since the signing of the contracts until today, has been a series of allegations that evidenciarian that reserves in the gas lots are much smaller that expected to find. On the other hand, it is necessary to have this Special Commission that can investigate, among other issues, the modifications that have suffered both the legal framework as linked contracts, amendments that would have hurt the Peruvian Government, and therefore unduly benefited the involved operators. The Ministry of energy and mines has already accepted that comes renegotiating contracts in order to ensure the internal market, there still evidence of a potential shortage of energy resource for the future, which is immersed in the local market and is an export product in the overseas.
Month: January 2013
Invest Freedom
Many people wondered why I have to invest or they just don’t know the importance of the why invest or not know that investing I love this theme and for her I wish to refer to the book that I recommend much Robert Kiyosaki cashflow quadrant the in his book explains what is the cashflow quadrant the majority of people are on the side of employees and self employed in the race rat because it has never end never reach true financial freedom. They show us how out of this race and pass the quadrant of employees and self employed business owners and investors knew you that 80% of the population worldwide is on the side of employees and self employed? And that only 5% of the global economy is on that side of the quadrant? While only 20% of the world population is on the side of investors and business owners and that 95% of the world economy on that side not be what importance you give to this but for me if it is very important because it is that there are many people with little financial freedom and that there are few people with much financial freedom this short but direct article has a single purpose do you reflect on why there is that investing no matter whether much or little. But now you know why the importance if you want to know more you can read the book which I recommend separate if search options invest or do business without investing you can visit my blogger there is I have some business options for internet some with invest a little and others without investing anything I wish you much success and recalls jump out of the rat race ended citing a portion of the free. Man is born free; And wherever it is chained. One master of others, considers himself and is still more slave than them.
Security Management
It is becoming increasing valuation of the senior officials of the organizations, concerning the safety of the information of your company in a way that decisions taken in their daily work, allow them to place your company in an area not only of minimal risk, but of strength with respect to the management of information. The really surprising thing is not that this perspective has CUTWORK on employers, but that increasingly has larger vessels in workers who engage the Organization, so that they contribute to a more agile and effective advancement, and to increase competitiveness in this branch of the management. From this point of view, what future horizon is the desired? He is putting in value as a competitive advantage, which in times of crisis, where the uncertainty and pessimism sometimes prevail, those companies that offer certainty and security in the management of its information, are positioned better than those who do not care. The picture of a company that does not provide the safety management for your information, can have consequences as lack of information at the time that is needed, functional deficiencies in the information systems, lack of operational performance of employees. Many times there happened to see lack of consistency in the data of a company? If these data are the accounting department, it is better not to think of the impact could have in formulating business decisions, and more even in these times. However, the study of the efficiency in the treatment of the information, as a review of an ISMS point, allows better strategic decisions. We recall from AUDEA, as always, the best of defenses is prevention, so enterprises can implement a variable number of these management systems to improve the Organization and benefits, although the ultimate goal should be reaching a unique management system that contemplates all the aspects necessary for the Organization, based on the PDCA cycle of common continuous improvement to all these standards. Audea information security Dept. of Marketing and communication original author and source of the article
These are still the basis of the offers to customers, it is therefore important to track the following trends: the products are tangible, easily copyable and less differentiated increasingly services are intangible. The client participates in its production. They can be highly variable. His assessment may be highly subjective experiences must be Memorables. Concentrate on the sensory and emotional part of a business relationship.
It is no longer enough to deliver a good product or a good service. It is necessary to create successful experiences and hopefully memorable to achieve customer return. Creativity and innovation is fundamental to design and put into operation these memorable experiences. Expanded product management. Companies must work to define and communicate to the market which is your product or extended service. For example, the client already does not buy a fridge.
Looking to buy a solution to your need to keep your food fresh, someone who advise on the best option according to their needs, someone who transports him and install your solution, that show how you to use it, it will even give you a guide through a book or training on the handling of foods. To offer you warranty, maintenance, etc. This corresponds to an expanded product. Customers do not want refrigerators, want solutions to their needs. Increasingly products and services become Commodities. Commodity without greater differentiation. The speed at which features, properties and functions are copied. The key is differentiation. Through added services. Through delivery of experiences. Analysis of costs. It has traditionally worked in reduction and optimization of the costs of production (goods and services). The product expanded increasingly requires greater aggregate in Add-ons and services to become more competitive through differentiation. The costs associated with the expanded product are in plug-ins and additional services. Add memorable experiences adds more cost to the product delivered to the client this is a general course on some of the trends of greater relevance. Please, analyze the impact to your business. There is a great probability that several of these factors do so thinking on how to innovate and improve their processes of care and customer service in order to keep their current customers and possibly attract new customers. As the days pass, centrarce on the client is not an option, is an imperative. Centrarce on the client is not only placed on slogan by saying that the customer is the most important thing. It is necessary to take action at the level of processes, people, data and tools to demonstrate difference and Captivate your customers. Develop this topic in greater depth in our seminaries of centralization on the client. Please visit our seminars page to sign up for our next edition. Original author and source of the article
The Size
It is seeing as many details as you can create, including your own clothes, the expression on your face, small movements of the body, the environment and any other person who may be close. Adds some sound that you can be listening as traffic, music, other people talking or laughing. And finally, recreates in st body any feeling that you think that you might be experiencing in that circumstance. Step 2: Your imagination, get up from your Chair, walks toward the screen, opens a door on the screen and enters the film. Now experimenteatodo of new, but from the inside of yourself, as if you looked everything by your own eyes. This is called image personified. This will deepen the impact of the experience. Remember, sees everything with vivid details, listen to the sounds that you escucharias and feel the feelings that you would feel.
Step 3: Finally, walks off-screen that film it is still acting perfectly returns to your seat in the cinema, stretched his hand and takes the screen, shrink it to the size of a sandwich. Then it takes that screen thumbnail to your mouth, chew it and swallow it. Imagine that each one of these small particles – as if a hologram – contains full movie you acting in that circumstance. Imagine those microscopic visors travelling by your stomach and your blood stream until it reaches every cell of your body. Then imagine that every cell in your body is illuminated with a film of you acting perfectly. It’s like those showcases of the electronics stores where there are 50 TVs tuned in the same season. When finished this process, which should take less than 5 minutes, open your eyes and continue with your chores. If you manage to make it part of your daily routine, you sorprenderas of how much improves vaa to attract into your life.
Autor Communication
The anxiety of the moment that may cause a culture other than their own is a barrier to effective communication because cause distortions with inability to understand, remember, or even to listen to. If the doctor or nurse want to make sure that the patient understands what is being said, there is a correct therapeutic adherence and ultimately a good communication, must first reduce the anxiety generated by a different to their own socio-cultural environment. This will be achieved with an anthropological assessment that will allow the healthcare professional create an atmosphere of confidence with his patient, from the moment in which it understands your entire environment. It is important to understand their emotional weakness of the patient and whether this is due to another culture. This will improve the relationship and will help us to be more sympathetic with their reactions, often ambivalent and changing. In general, patients rarely do questions that can not be answered. They are almost always limited to question you want to know.
Sometimes it is not easy to give answers, but facilitate the naked truth just once is so hard for own health personnel and the patient, by it is necessary to plan properly what you must say and as it must be said, particularly in certain patients, relatives or situations involved, as in the case of individuals who belong to other ethnic groups and cultures. The anthropological knowledge along with the communication will be crucial for the existence of a mutual, and therefore trust the security that the patient needs to be helped and help if same. Cannot offer a good quality of care if communication is poor, for which this is an aspect to insist. It is also significant that they are stimulated, seeking resolution to the real problems and they assimilate information aimed at promoting healthy skills within their own socio-cultural sphere. Many times is more important than knowing what to say them, as do and remember the influence of non-verbal communication and also at the empathic communication with patients. Yet when you don’t talk between nurse and patient, there are many messages exchanged among themselves. Manifest which feel by facial expressions, posture, physical appearance, movements, the emotional tone of the voice and its timbre. Patients are very receptive to the nonverbal behavior of health personnel, particularly if they don’t know evil suffer and try to guess data through them that clarify them their situation. Share this way rather than with words is intensely required for those who speak a different language by their culture. It is key to identify their fears and concerns to guide them to develop more appropriate expectations or goals more realistic than if they can improve the quality of life, not only by reducing discomfort resulting from breach of the utopian expectations often are made when there is no one-way communicative appropriated by shortcomings of anthropological knowledge.
Hire Taxis
Before hiring the service of taxis you must make a prior research on the companies that offer the service. Currently know and search for freight moving companies is simple with the help of the Internet, look for options that offer you a complete service at an affordable cost and according to their needs. It is also important to define the type of service that you require, exclude some of the proposals offered by the freight charges in Mexico, in such a way the service will be more economical and effective for your needs. Below are the questions you should ask the removal company you want to hire service, also as the type of answers that must be obtained. A meticulous and attentive seller represents the type of service that will give you.
1. Do you how much freight and removals service offered? No doubt you are looking for a company or person that has offered the service for a long time, experienced. You must request a history or letters of recommendation, this is important because their belongings of value they remain in the hands of strangers. 2. What are the prices that handles? Once you know the costs you will get lot of information about the service role in transport and removals, it should not be very expensive but neither should be economic movers. 3.
What is the delivery time? You must seek realistic schedules, they must also be met at all costs. Where there is any delay required to the freight carrier and removals to communicate with you to inform about what happened. Take precautions with people who give you dates or extremely exact times, anyone can have a delay and not be perfect. These are the main questions to be taken into account for hiring the service of freight moving, few people stop to make questions, but it is the most important especially when speaking of the person that will take each and every one of their property. After the removal D. f. company has met their expectations do not allow any deception, ask for a contract or responsive by them to respect everything as spoken above, especially most main thing is cost. The transportation of the truck from moving up the inside of your home must be included in the service. With Juaro storage information