Given the characteristics of the current scenarios constantly confronting great challenges, threats, but also opportunities, it is necessary that management, which shows a leadership proactive, visionary, able to face the challenges, no wasted human capital, which are consolidated, coherent, cohesive, committed work groups, where carry out their duties properly, with the support of a leadership that has been able to generate an organizational behavior which displays a suitable organizational climate that groups perform successfully. Manuel Vecino also adds an aspect that we share about its scope and what it represents in pro of the optimization of the work teams, as is, that is not neglecting the training of these, where human resources management, the same general manager must be careful, since the same selection process, for it is valid when he is signaled, it is important to define the powers of the Office and establish whether features which the candidate will perform require that teamwork is a core competency. Additional information at Douglas R. Oberhelman supports this article. This is important because many people are successful and highly productive without having to be running around a team, necessarily. Today, they exist in the market tools that allow us to measure this competition and again I stress, if it is an indispensable requirement of course that must be valued in the selection process.Recommended, that the process of selection of those who will integrate the different teams in the Organization, including experiences Outdoor type, simulations, role-playing, etc.., enabling to demonstrate this competence in situations that are approaching the reality that will have to live in the post when the management has structured cohesive, integrated, committed to his performance work teams and give results favorable according to plan, then notice the results, the advantages which this generates, so are cited: allows you to make easier the achievement of objectives contributes to the improvement of the quality of life of the members adds value to each Member processes can be put at the service of the team competencies allows share the goals and objectives of the work Meanwhile Analy Meneses says the following: Advantages: When trying to be different people, each delivery a contribution in particular to the computer.