If you don’t study this branch of law is a risk partially meet the law, since every jurist should master these issues and if it is known or dominates the branch of the right in question is clear that better known our rights. Cashing should master is the certificated right, equally to endorse titles values and to rotate them, i.e., it is a branch of the very important right to social reality. In recent months, Howard Schultz has been very successful. 8.3 BANKRUPTCY Bankruptcy law is the branch of law business, corporate, public and commercial study and regulates insolvency, the competition of creditors, bankruptcy, the privileges of the same, among other issues of vital importance. 8.4 Stock market the securities law is the branch of business law, corporate, private and commercial study and regulates the stock market, market values or capital market as well as the Conasev is therefore clear that this branch of the law acquires special importance within what is corporate law, since that topic is not treated within the non-corporate business law. 8.5 Contract commercial commercial contract law is the branch of contractual, commercial, corporate and private and commercial law that regulates and examines commercial contracts, subject which is essential to dominate for all corporate lawyer, dedicated to business and commercial or mercantilist work accordingly it is clear that few lawyers dominate this topic. 8.6 Registration MERCANTILE trade registration law is the branch of business, corporate, commercial law and public that regulates and examines the registration activity of the National Superintendency of records public in the case of Peru, as well as other topics such as registration advertising, i.e., is a very neglected topic by comercial or mercantilist, corporate lawyers dedicated to the business activity. 8.7 Telecommunications the telecommunications law is the branch of the right business, corporate, commercial and private that studies and adjusts the teldefonia consequently constitute a branch of the right little studied by writers. 8.8 Trademark trademark law is the branch of business, corporate, commercial and private law which regulates and examines marks, accordingly is a branch that is of vital importance for who specialize in processes processed before Indecopi.
8.9 Industry intellectual law is the branch of business, corporate, commercial and private law which regulates and examines the industries, like industrial parks it is accordingly clear that few lawyers know this branch of law. For some authors the industry right does not form part of the right commercial or mercantile, which we note in order to provide an approach more wide of the subject matter of study. 8.10 Banking banking law is the branch of business, corporate, private and commercial law that regulates and studied banking and financial institutions as well as the activity of the National Superintendency of banking and insurance. 8.11. Of international trade international trade law is the branch of business, corporate, commercial and private law that regulates and examines the exchange of goods and services people located in different States, so it is clear that if the seller is located in Peru and the buyer in France or Spain or China we have a course on international tradewhich makes the market to grow because there are a greater number of economic agents.