Fiscal elimination and Fiscal Evasion Two forms exist to prevent payments of tributes. The elimination and the evasion. Being that the great difference between them is that, respectively, one is legal and another one is tax evasion. However, Fiscal Elimination, as the proper name already suggests is inside of the law, as way to reduce the tax burden. Two types of elimination exist.
The one that are decurrent of the proper law and the one that is related with the breaches and existing gaps in the proper law. Already the Fiscal Evasion is not a form to plan, and yes a tort to evade taxes and/or to counterfeit, as example, the purchase and the sales without forma bill of sale; note fake; distorted information; among others. But, the definitions of both nor always are only amongst the doctrinaires. Some authors describe of ambiguous form these expressions. AXE (2001) affirms that the term evasion would have to be used as allowed behavior of the contributor, as well as elimination would be related with illegitimate ways to steal itself to the payment of tributes.
In turn, TOWERS stand out the renomeio of the term elimination, considering new classificatria figure, called & ldquo; eluso& rdquo;: & ldquo; He is imperious to register, however, that the term & ldquo; eliso& rdquo; it could not be used to mean the allowed position of the contributor in the economy of tributes, having, for linguistic severity, to be abandoned. To prevent confusions in the use of the language and for better representing the focused behaviors, we prefer the term & ldquo; eluso& rdquo;. & ldquo; Eliso& rdquo; , of Latin elisione, it means act or effect to eliminate; elimination, suppression.