Power, axis of human actions, can be represented in its maximum expression in our country Mexico during the Government of Jose de Cruz Porfirio Diaz Mori, best known as the Porfiriato. During his dictatorship the power that had at its disposal surpassed the mandates of the legislative and judicial branches. However it was thanks to that same arbitrariness that the President could coordinate Mexican efforts to first create a development at the national level, as well as the State became the main promoter of the social development of the country at that time. His Government was characterized by the strengthening of the national power through a transformation of this power in his person and submission by will or force, of all the elements with disagreements on this regime. The tactic that Porfirio Diaz mainly used was to manage the investment of foreign capital in the country to which answered many American and French businessmen. We still suffer the consequences of those agreements that Mexico still continues to be dependent on foreign investment.
While the Mexican economy was raised during his dictatorship, the benefits not were divided equally since there was a situation of extreme indigenous exploitation in the country. It was for this reason that in the year of 1910 the Mexican Revolution broke out, was the rebellion of the people in search of any reform of the private property since the distribution of land had the profile of despotism. It began as a popular movement that was transformed into a social movement. It was during the Government of Carranza who instituted a new Constitution which validated over the rights of indigenous minorities, which at that time were not so few, and also contained various reforms to facilitate the work of the representative power above the legislative and the judicial. Several of the reforms which included this Constitution were in relations between workers and the patterns, which were written in article 123 while educational and agrarian reforms that were published in articles 3 and 27.