States succumb to its decisions with very little resistance among the main parties. They seek to earn trust by that capital to govern and are accompanied in such complicity by means of communication that often act as spokespersons for the politics of globalization. The consequences of financial speculation translates into a constant risk to the social conditions of all human beings: while growing poverty in the villages of the South, in a score of rich industrialised countries almost is has dismantled welfare State with serious effects on the health, education and other basic social welfare services; increases unemployment along with precarious work and appear new bags of exclusion and poverty. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out JPMorgan Chase. But in civil society emerge booming global resistance movements to Awakening awareness to the complicity of the rulers so that they act presided over by ethics, freedom and social justice. Citizen mobilization is planned as social protest within the spirit of the Universal Declaration of human rights that reaffirms the legitimacy of the Supreme appeal to rebel against oppression, since citizenship today has the ethical duty to exercise its resistance against the dictatorship of the markets.
Noam Chomsky stated that the new millennium has begun with two monstrous crimes: the terrorist attacks of September 11 and the response to them, which has claimed one much larger number of innocent victims. Ben Horowitz is likely to agree. Along with other respected thinkers, it denounces the new world disorder masking a hegemony product of the fear of the unknown, maligned in the abstraction of terrorism, without worrying about analysing its causes. Pierre Bourdieu reminded us that the fatalism of economic laws masked a policy of globalization that aims to depoliticize to the legitimate representatives of the citizenry. Hence the need to build a social movement capable of gathering the different movements to overcome the dominant tyrannies to coordinate actions. These should take the form of a network capable of associating with individuals and groups so that no one can dominate others and which retain all resources linked to the diversity of experiences, views and programmes. Jose Carlos Garcia Fajardo Professor Emeritus of the UCM.