Security Management

It is becoming increasing valuation of the senior officials of the organizations, concerning the safety of the information of your company in a way that decisions taken in their daily work, allow them to place your company in an area not only of minimal risk, but of strength with respect to the management of information. The really surprising thing is not that this perspective has CUTWORK on employers, but that increasingly has larger vessels in workers who engage the Organization, so that they contribute to a more agile and effective advancement, and to increase competitiveness in this branch of the management. From this point of view, what future horizon is the desired? He is putting in value as a competitive advantage, which in times of crisis, where the uncertainty and pessimism sometimes prevail, those companies that offer certainty and security in the management of its information, are positioned better than those who do not care. The picture of a company that does not provide the safety management for your information, can have consequences as lack of information at the time that is needed, functional deficiencies in the information systems, lack of operational performance of employees. Many times there happened to see lack of consistency in the data of a company? If these data are the accounting department, it is better not to think of the impact could have in formulating business decisions, and more even in these times. However, the study of the efficiency in the treatment of the information, as a review of an ISMS point, allows better strategic decisions. We recall from AUDEA, as always, the best of defenses is prevention, so enterprises can implement a variable number of these management systems to improve the Organization and benefits, although the ultimate goal should be reaching a unique management system that contemplates all the aspects necessary for the Organization, based on the PDCA cycle of common continuous improvement to all these standards. Audea information security Dept. of Marketing and communication original author and source of the article