Snow Ticket

By the way of the snow melted (or wet) the memories alone appear in the second part. In it only is that a history properly said is had, with sequences, action and personages. Here the narrator becomes more personage. They are sequenced episodes of a period of its life, that of in such a way suffering remoendo them, it feels the necessity to pour them in the paper, in an attempt to alliviate itself. Concrete data appear of the narrative personage, its infancy, its routine.

Its life is translated the practical one, shows the consequences, the empecilhos that appear in the life of somebody with so great conscience. Some episodes arrive to be colorful, seno pathetic. Even though its attempt to fight in a tavern finishes frustrate. He is evidenced that it is not capable at least to be played by a window, even so has attemped in go to obstruct the ticket of the gentlemen that played billiards there. In the sequence of the narrative, Perhaps, for not possessing to be able to modify the great things, it takes care of to try to change simple daily facts as to yield ticket to one another person in the street. The desperation, of the man of the subsoil, takes it to all place it its persistence in the premeditation of a collision with an officer who takes a walk habitually mixed to the mass of passer-bys of a famous avenue of the city. It teoriza on this while it counts as ‘ was its; ‘ duelo’ ‘ not-declared with an officer, it plans with details as it will have to be the collision of them, the intensity degree, its clothes in the occasion; everything this not to give ticket to the officer in the sidewalk. In an access of he would histeria, it spends considerable part of its time and its commanded in the preparation of the shock with the officer to so only become to notice and to be convinced of that still it is a human being.