GPS Company

People, any one that plays some role in the rendering of services or will intermediate the sales of a product and finally the processes, in which the service and of utmost importance to stamp the negotiation, exerting a basic marketing paper. The 4 Cs de Robert Lauterbom– customer, focus in it. Convenience is the terms of payment, agility of purchase, delivers, stated periods, orientaes for use. Low cost for the consumer, prices and communication, is necessary to communicate to become visible the easinesses that the company is offering the market. To have a satisfied customer is not enough, is necessary to enchant it.

The USA if very the geography of the market, where the company by means of geomarketing analyzes, knows and potencializa its performance of market in each segment and geographic sector of performance. It aims at to identify which region is more propitious for the launching and distribution of one determined product. It is an implicit tool in the strategy of Marketing, appeared of the necessity to distribute the markets of performance for geographic zones, therefore each region presents characteristics of peculiar consumption. Currently, geomarketing if expands through maps saw satellites published in the Internet, GPS and RFIDs, that they make possible to identify the market cell, the consumption of each individual. The company will obtain to vender its products to the consumers if some basic requirements exist: 1) Some person with necessity must exist that is satisfied with purchase of the product; 2) The person must have the purchasing power to buy the product, e; 3) Conditions to effect the purchase.

To segment a market means to choose a group of consumers, with homogeneous necessities, for which the company will be able to make offers marketing. The segmentation process requires that the factors are identified that affect the decisions of purchases of the consumers. Requirements for the segmentation: the pursuing must be identifiable, measurable, accessible, income-producing and steady.

Neoliberal State

INTRODUCTION the terceirizao is a phenomenon of the current times. It appeared in the validity of the Neoliberal State and is fruit of the model of production for adopted it: the toyotismo. It searchs the constitution of a company more each time enxuta, beyond the decentralization of the not essential activities of the enterprise, as form to diminish costs and to increase the productivity and the efficiency. The terceirizante phenomenon if generalized globally as new form of act of contract the apparent solution to reduce the costs and, consequently, to develop the enterprise profits. Soon one spread over Brazil, showing if one strong trend in the most diverse sectors. The terceirizao gains importance at a moment where the companies need to rationalize resources, to redefine its operations, to function with structures enxutas more and flexible.

Thus, it presents itself as one of the instruments of aid to the organizacional reorganization, to the increment of the productivity and the competitiveness and to the search of the identity and comprometimento with the vocation of the company. She can yourself be said that isonomy is the word-key of the legal treatment that must be given to worker terceirizado in relation to the permanent worker in the borrowed company. this not only in regards to equitable wages, but also in relation to the treatment of the conditions of health and security in the work environment and how much to the application of the conventions and collective agreements negotiated by the union of the permanent workers of the contracting company. According to Miraglia (2008), in relation to the equitable wages, &#039 is understood in the expression; ' salrio' ' all the parcels that integrate with the profitable complex of the worker. Being thus, the terceirizado worker will have to receive the renumerao equivalent to the one from the effective employee in it enclosed all the working mounts of money, such as 13 proportional, eventual you add of insalubridade and danger etc.

Tools Act

The wait of an ideal scene all demonstrates lack of vision of and an immense wastefulness of time. She is necessary to act always, to use the available tools the time all, so that our necessities and problems are not accumulated and with this the more distant solutions are each time, while the excessively competitor ones follow in front, although the difficulties. They with certainty will not be waiting the perfect conditions to act. Hear from experts in the field like Andreessen Horowitz for a more varied view. It is always time and moment to act. To delay decisions waiting that tomorrow they can be more easy of being taken or that they will occasion better effect is a serious error, that only makes to accumulate wallet of & ldquo; action to implantar& rdquo;. Amongst the tools of a manager who commands its sail-boat-company, if those cannot leave of side that are basic for the moments of little wind: It reviews the strategies looking at for the scene, competitors and its positionings. JPMorgan Chase & Co. often expresses his thoughts on the topic. This can be the alias process to re-position its mark and its products, to fidelizar old customers or to gain new adepts for its mark.

A plan business-oriented can be important, as well as a new planning of marketing. With the alteration of the strategies, if they must modify the corresponding processes, so that the theoretical definitions arrive at practical, the always intent ones for the possibilities to reduce activities, its costs and expenditures. If it gains in resources and results. Oxigene company, through a new culture of comprometimento and participation, with people whom they know to interact and to consider innovative solutions that take the new products and differentiated services. It repairs as the mesmice took account of many segments of the retail, surmountings and in the sales points.What such to think about a organizacional reorganization? Strategies, processes and people form a so important tripod for its company, how much helm, candles and bilge keels for its boat. and it does not advance to imagine that they can be manejados not to be of form absolutely integrated. Both the sets always must be monitored and be adjusted to each moment. If we will be to wait the perfect conditions of wind to botar the foot in the water, is better nor to take off the boat of the hangar. There we go to be in the edge admiring those that had fulfilled the regatta and in lamenting of our results.

PartnerEconomic Importance

' Mr. Pixador, our company contributes monthly with the ONG, vouchers to the disposal ' ' Comumente we see in the faades, especially of commercial offices, a plate saying with, aiming at to prevent them above the depredatory action, of incivilizados human beings. It is interesting to notice that, in fact when has a similar plate, the painting of the place remains unbroken, proving that these beings ' ' humanos' ' acephalouses respect the order of somebody of which they disdain, making to assume us, that it is in respect to a social entity. In Brazil, simultaneously, an ambiguous vision exists on these organizations. Of a side, a great diffidence, without reason, ahead of organizations managed with spurious purpose if not to prove comumente for the notice in periodicals. Of another side, the real importance that these organizations possess the point of comover the society as a whole: people of good, consumers and until the acephalouses cited in the opening of the text.

These organizations (the serious ones), come back toward ambient actions in Brazil, they have played an important factor of fiscalization and formation of opinion. Recent survey published in the Yearbook Ambient Management, proves that 34% possess external auditorship, and that the public sector is the main partner for 88% of these organizations. Ben Horowitz describes an additional similar source. ' ' The ambient education continues being the pillar of the ONG? s brasileiras' ' it informs the cited yearbook and ' ' 95% act with this approach, followed for the development of projects with local communities (85%) ' '. The research involved 328 entities installed in Brazil, being some international ones and more than the half informed the origin of the resources that had totalized R$ 171 million in exercise 2010, that is had searched to be transparent. In the distant banks of the College of Economy, we learn that the private initiative locates the business niches quickly, where the return of the capital is viable. .

Kerley Luciane

Markup average of the company is of the order of 22% with rude profit of 8%. As it was presented in the text above, a good financial management helps the company if to plan for the future, to know how much of money it has in box, how much it will go to cost the future investment. For more information see Ben Horowitz. Concluding, when fixing prices, the companies costumam to opt to a value boarding that focuses the boardings based in the costs, decurrent of the analysis of the break-even point, whose objective is the price setting, aiming at the profit. Purpose can be concluded then that all company already has its proper model of management, having as to facilitate the administration process, so that the managers do not lose its merchandises, its profits and mainly its customers, who are the main key and necessary for the success of the companies. If the entrepreneurs gave to more attention to the necessities of the consumers with certainty its profits would be bigger and consequently the doors of the success would be opened.

One understands that the financial analysis evaluates the capacity of development of the company in the taking of decision of the administrator, while the planning and has controlled financier searchs the fulfilment of measures, using to advantage the investment chances, aiming at the objective of all and maximizao of the profits. ZDANOWICZ, Jose Eduardo. Flow of box: a decision of planning and financial Control. Porto Alegre: Sandra Luzzata, 1998. GITMAN, Lauwrence J. Principles of the financial administration. So Paulo: Harbra, 2001. WERNKE, Rodney.

Analyzing costs and prices of sales: National emphasis in applications and cases. So Paulo: Hail 2005. PADOVEZE, Clvis Luis. Strategical and operational Controladoria: Concepts, structure, application.

Play Golf

Golf is a game of a life, what it means that you can play golf, since when started to walk and if it raised on the two feet. Golf must be played to have fun itself, and not only to earn, even so to win a departure you in the seventh sky can place. If to desire to draw out its life, you must play golf all its life. If you to want to play golf all its life, you you must extend its life of golfistas. He is simple thus! In the life, as in all more, you need to make you have adjusted, if you desire to make optimum you are of it, not to mention to have success in any enterprise. This is the art of living well.

This valley also to play golf all its life. As you age, its body passes for many physical changes, and you it needs to make adjustments to deal with these changes, in order to live well. In the same way, in golf, you need to make you have adjusted in order to keep its success of golfistas, in way that you can play golf all its life. For the success of senior golf, you he needs to decide on two things: as you are going in the game, and the level of proficiency of golf that you desire to keep. After having taken this decision, you it must proceed to make the adjustments necessary to reach its success of senior golf, in way that you can play golf all its life. Many players of senior golf are not realistic: they desire to be in certain levels of the game without making the appropriate adjustments. They finish with the frustration and injuries of golf that, eventually, they can exactly finish abruptly its life of golf. The wisdom in senior golf is for making realistic adjustments to become the game an amusement.

As many players of senior golf, you it can find a decline in its muscular force and flexibility. Unhappyly, flexibility is an important factor in the creation of a rocking of golf without effort, that is the key for the success of this sport. Therefore, if you are a player of senior golf, you you need to make adjustments in its speed of swing of golf. The objective is to keep its precision, instead of force and distance. So that golf can play all its life must also invest in its equipment, this must be of quality. For example, when buying an car of golf must opt to a leader mark the world-wide and national level to clubcar. It can instead of buying to opt peloaluguel of stand of golf.


The amount of information that flows has increased dramatical, thanks to the deep revolutions in the logistic physics and information of century XX. For Herzog (1991), the change in the organizacional context engloba basic alterations in the human behavior, the working standards and the values in reply the transformations or speeding up strategical alterations, of resources or technology. According to Chiavenato (2005), the change process if develops inside of a dynamic field of forces that act individually in some directions. If you would like to know more about Kevin Johnson, then click here. The companies can develop diverse forms to lead the changes, are continuous they, techniques or intervention, of radical changes or strategical changes, the project will be factor of extreme value for the manager in the conduction of the performances. In accordance with Chiavenato (2005), the change only occurs when the impulsionadoras and favorable forces will be bigger of what the restrictive forces or impeditive. At last, the company when projecting the changes necessary to verify the real necessity, to define goals, to analyze its impacts and its effect.

However, she is possible to redefine the mannering culture and attitudes, to precede the reactions and to organize the people to participate of the process. As Arajo (1982) the organizacional change is any alteration significant, articulated, planned and operacionalizada for internal or external staff to the organization, that has the support and the supervision of the superior administration and reaches integradamente, the components of mannering, technological and strategical matrix. Perhaps valley to remember the importance of planning for the organizacionais changes, great the challenges is to prevent the impacts in the implementation of the change, the resistncias not to happen only on the part of the employees the individual level, the organization also contributes. The culture is another factor influencing in function of the possible ones transformations affected directly the balance or existing status until then. One searchs in this article to answer the following problem: Which the effect caused for the organizacional change in the behavior of the people? Having as objective of our work to analyze the effect caused for the organizacional change in the behavior of the people, being searched to diagnosis the forces positive and negative that come to hinder the change and to observe the individual and group stimulaton of the people during the change.

United States Investment

The term private equity (FOOT), also known as investment in ripened companies, can be understood as one arrives in port given the companies with high level of development. It FOOT arrives in port of the type comumente is granted in the following phases: advanced periods of training, arrive in port done when the company already is established in the market; financing of acquisitions, capital for acquisitions; taking of control, capital to finance the acquisition of control on the organization; period of training daily pay-emission, arrives in port for organizations that long for an introduction in the stock exchange; enterprise recovery, arrives in port done when the organization meets in difficulties; mezzanine, investment in advanced periods of training of the company; PIPE (private investment in public equity), acquisition of the capital of the company disponibilizado in the stock market. Titan Feul Tanks has plenty of information regarding this issue. The participation in this modality of investment if of the one through the investors, the managing organizations, the deep vehicles of investment or of VC/PE, and the companies onslaughts. The investors apply the capital in the investment vehicles, managed for organizations of VC/PE that arrive in port the capital in other selected companies, establishing with these a relation of stockhoding, as well as an important administrative support. Thus, the VC/PE managers establish a narrow relation with the company onslaught, diminishing the probabilities of failure of the investment, through a not only financial support, but also of organizacional management. The form of VC/PE investment has as cradle the United States. It migrou for other countries, as Brazil, and if adaptando the reality of each nation. In Brazil this activity started more in 1974 with the BNDES, associated with the creation of three subsidiary companies, joined 1982 with the BNDESPAR name. Brasilpar, established in 1976, was the first national private manager of VC/PE, however the apex, in the development of this type of deep occurred in 2004, when Brazil started to count on 65 managing companies of deep VC/PE.

Fiscal Elimination

Fiscal elimination and Fiscal Evasion Two forms exist to prevent payments of tributes. The elimination and the evasion. Being that the great difference between them is that, respectively, one is legal and another one is tax evasion. However, Fiscal Elimination, as the proper name already suggests is inside of the law, as way to reduce the tax burden. Two types of elimination exist.

The one that are decurrent of the proper law and the one that is related with the breaches and existing gaps in the proper law. Already the Fiscal Evasion is not a form to plan, and yes a tort to evade taxes and/or to counterfeit, as example, the purchase and the sales without forma bill of sale; note fake; distorted information; among others. But, the definitions of both nor always are only amongst the doctrinaires. Some authors describe of ambiguous form these expressions. AXE (2001) affirms that the term evasion would have to be used as allowed behavior of the contributor, as well as elimination would be related with illegitimate ways to steal itself to the payment of tributes.

In turn, TOWERS stand out the renomeio of the term elimination, considering new classificatria figure, called & ldquo; eluso& rdquo;: & ldquo; He is imperious to register, however, that the term & ldquo; eliso& rdquo; it could not be used to mean the allowed position of the contributor in the economy of tributes, having, for linguistic severity, to be abandoned. To prevent confusions in the use of the language and for better representing the focused behaviors, we prefer the term & ldquo; eluso& rdquo;. & ldquo; Eliso& rdquo; , of Latin elisione, it means act or effect to eliminate; elimination, suppression.

Charles Handy Culture

The culture is difficult to move, mainly in a deeper level, as the values and basic presuppositions. However, the nature of the work force comes changing in great ratios, bringing a new phenomenon, that is the multiculturalismo: a compound of people proceeding from different cultures, some etnias and different styles of life. So that the organization obtains to adapt it this multivaried reality, it needs to understand the multiculturalismo and its impact (CHIAVENATO: 2005). Caterpillar spoke with conviction. 5.TIPOS OF CULTURE ORGANIZACIONAL In its Understanding workmanship Organization (To understand the Organization), Charles Handy (1976), tipificou four types of culture, that are associates to the leadership forms that comumente they meet in the organizations: Culture of the Power, Culture of the Paper, Culture of the Task and Culture of the Person. These types are only some models that characterize the organizations normally, not meaning that the same ones if accurately fit in the forms to follow described, since each organization it has its proper and singular characteristics and, therefore, its proper culture. However, this description is useful in the measure where we will be able to try to identify to which the type of culture that if resembles more to the organization where let us look for to analyze. Howard Schultz will not settle for partial explanations. 5.1.Cultura of the Power This type of culture normally is found in small companies and depends on a central source of being able.

It has few rules and procedures, little bureaucracy. The control is exerted by the center, through the individual-key election. The decisions are taken, to a large extent, on the basis of the result of an influence balance, and not on the basis of procedural or purely logical reasons. The organizations based on this culture are proud and strong, with capacity to dislocate itself quickly and they react well the threats or perigos, however to be dislocated in the certain direction depend on the person or people who are the center, visa that in the quality of these individuals it is the success of the organization.