It is seeing as many details as you can create, including your own clothes, the expression on your face, small movements of the body, the environment and any other person who may be close. Adds some sound that you can be listening as traffic, music, other people talking or laughing. And finally, recreates in st body any feeling that you think that you might be experiencing in that circumstance. Step 2: Your imagination, get up from your Chair, walks toward the screen, opens a door on the screen and enters the film. Now experimenteatodo of new, but from the inside of yourself, as if you looked everything by your own eyes. This is called image personified. This will deepen the impact of the experience. Remember, sees everything with vivid details, listen to the sounds that you escucharias and feel the feelings that you would feel.
Step 3: Finally, walks off-screen that film it is still acting perfectly returns to your seat in the cinema, stretched his hand and takes the screen, shrink it to the size of a sandwich. Then it takes that screen thumbnail to your mouth, chew it and swallow it. Imagine that each one of these small particles – as if a hologram – contains full movie you acting in that circumstance. Imagine those microscopic visors travelling by your stomach and your blood stream until it reaches every cell of your body. Then imagine that every cell in your body is illuminated with a film of you acting perfectly. It’s like those showcases of the electronics stores where there are 50 TVs tuned in the same season. When finished this process, which should take less than 5 minutes, open your eyes and continue with your chores. If you manage to make it part of your daily routine, you sorprenderas of how much improves vaa to attract into your life.