Writing MSler positive energy for a treacherous disease Multiple Sclerosis (MS), encephalomyelitis disseminata referred to, is one of the most common auto-immune diseases of the brain and spinal cord. It is a chronic disease of the immune system. MS leaves many questions unanswered. The history and the complaints vary from patient to patient, so called MS also the disease of 1000 faces.” For every MSler, it is important to have a valve, where he can really can be. Because many of those affected are physically restricted, it is good to have something where you can positively transform his excess energy.
A very important factor, especially for MSler, because something can affect quite well on the State of health. And just as a valve have Heike demonstration and Britta Kummer found for himself. Learn more on the subject from JPMorgan Chase. You write, put their whole energy there, and will be boosted as a result. Heike demonstration writes texts and stories and it presents on its Web site. Here she want to MS sufferers, a platform to inform their relatives and friends and allow insights around the multiple sclerosis. Her first book of MS in the rose garden-Verlag is published in the spring of 2014. Britta Kummer discovered the love of writing in 2007 and since that time it determines your life.
It makes you just enjoy expressing themselves in this manner. Only their works in the circle of acquaintances were passed around and that the response has been very positive. It was not long before and already, she held her first book welcome home, Amy”in their hands. So far, the author has written 8 books. Including a MS book, which was published in late November in the rose garden-Verlag. More about Heike show you and want to know Britta Kummer, visit them brittasbuecher.jimdo.com on their websites multiple-arts.com