The history of the Rank of Attraction of the Peixinho, can be said, starts when the ink of the penxs of the etnlogo Curt Nimuendaj scribbled the first letter of this told absurd exploit in its Report on the Chavantes, in 1913. It imposes here to the researcher the examination of the official documentation under a prism little explored, which is, looking for to filter the vision of world of the dominant layers (Axe, 1987:22), opening space for a microssocial history in way that accumulates of stocks the daily one of social ways kept out of society them institutions to be able (Days, 1984:8). In other words, if it requires here a boarding that explores the potentiality of the available documentation, in order to allow an analysis — however constructed of inside of the document for it are, however constructed of the context where the facts had occurred for inside of the produced text –, seing indistinctly the relations. The idea to congregate the Ofai and other aboriginals of the south of the State in the region of the Peixinho, must be said immediately, after did not survive to the first year its installation. The available documents and notations on this Aboriginal Rank are rare, what it makes the research to appeal the beginning of the systematic diffidence, with the exercise of the had comparison of the certifications (Cardoso, 1982:53). When, Michel de Foucault would not say, to revalorizar to know minors while sources to delimit new places of diverse comment of the purely institucional one. The personage who of the visibility to this episode is one such Joaquin Ribeiro, who of certain form, tears the curtain of regional history for this intended construction and that he comes to the fire, has accurately one century after the facts to have occurred. Cuiabano, of numerous family, it literally enters in the hinterland and soon it sets to cover the sub-basin of the Medium brown river in search of an area to install its small farm, choosing of ready lands delinquents to the brook of the Peixinho.
Tag: history
Roman Empire
That’s on stage Ukrainian politics appears Tomiris queen, which thanks to its subservient to the people living in the heart of Ukraine, first appears in the Ukraine under the name of her father – Grigyan, and only then under the name of her husband – a man whose soul also refers to the energy structure Tomiris – . In contrast to Nimrod, and Satan Tomiris learns more and that the winner must be a woman, and the title of “Winner” people Kira help her catch a new special meaning. Tomiris familiar with the information about the revival in the territory of Kievan Rus, which is under the protectorate of Satan, “Third Rome” – the era of government of the Virgin, through which the world would be a kind of “White Lady”. A letter from Nostradamus supposedly addressed in the future to his son, Caesar, it is clear that the name of the person to whom this letter is addressed, will have something to do with the name of Caesar. Tomiris understands that Nostradamus could know the person’s name and so vividly outlined his Caesar. She also understands what is likely connected with the name of Caesar by Julius Caesar – the once powerful head of the Roman Empire. Based on this information, Tomiris and takes the name of Julia – on the name of the famous Roman kind Julio. Tomiris, familiar with the ancient annals, came to the conclusion that it was Julia must manage the future empire of the Third Rome, “in which she sees providence destined her fate.
Realizing all of this becomes clear, and why are so desperately fighting for power in Ukraine and the Yulia still, the mistress whose soul – Tomiris – wants not only to become immortal in the guise of man, but hoped that after gaining immortality can control the whole world. This perspective is also appropriate to note why the souls of men and angels are so eager to live it on earth, in a material world, not in heaven. The fact that only conditions of the material world can give human consciousness a number of fun and enjoyment that is not available in the Energy world’s consciousness of the universe. In addition to the material world, people are much more able to exercise autonomy and independence, without thinking about its consequences and about who is its real owner. No wonder they say that people such as children, they do not know about what they are doing. Therefore, to live on Earth among humans in once enjoyed, even the angels, many of whom began to live an ordinary life people often lose because of it his own immortality. In their veins instead of Ichor (blue blood) – the liquid of immortality – began leaking red blood, inherent in the ordinary people who became victim of the virus of Darkness. ” Blood has a red color is not accidental, since the red color – this is the color of the victim, it’s pretty easy to understand, remembering the altar – the place where from time immemorial sacrifices.
State Agricultural Credit
Colonial nuclei and the proposals for agriculture Implantation of a system of agricultural credit, improvement of the ways of linking between agricultural the producing centers and the places of sales and consumption, beyond the development it agricultural education in the country through the creation of agriculture schools, are some of the measures defended for the programs of reforms of agriculture in Brazil. The measures as creation of credit for agricultural producers or the creation of agricultural schools, beyond others, that pparently do not make reference to reference the model of organization of the agricultural nuclei, but that it had as objective to foment new techniques of plantation if become important to understand some criteria adopted in the colonies agriculturists as, for example, of distribution of the lots, the size of these properties, types of tools, culture, plants, or still administration model. If the proposals of reform in agriculture had the intention to decide the agricultural problems, one of the main ones were the credit lack. In Par, the Tocantins member of the house of representatives, in uprising in the State legislature of Par, attributes the state of deep difficulty lived deeply for the provincial farming as provoked for the lack of capitals. The absence of credits the sufficient one to get a necessary addition for improvement of the establishments agricultural, beyond the interests so raised and with stated period so limited constitutes elements enough to determine the difficult situation where the agriculturists and proprietors live. It considered in reason of the difficulties lived deeply for the agriculturists, the creation of the Real estate mortgage bank of Par, where ' ' each agriculturist would have a proportional credit its richness; where he will be able to raise loans with reasonable interests wide stated periods, mounting its establishment and increasing the addition of its produo' '. 1 Francisco Maria Corra de S and Benevides was partisan of the ideas of the Tocantins member of the house of representatives. .
The Past
If it was observing that modern science appears of religious dasdoutrinas and ethical elements, or that the organization of the state Russops-revolutionary kept practical and structures of the capitalism which se' ' opunha' ' , Weber gave clear indications to a intent reader of whom haviapercebido it that what to present determined one it appeared as ' ' oposto' ' ' only semostrava in the future as a shade; ' diferente' ' of the same gradual scale. Now, we will say briefly on omodo as the subject treated here if it incases in the remain of the work. Ours it will missoser to present aspect essential of the historical causalidade in function to delater that necessarily to express itself in the composition of a direction for historical aperspectiva, composition this that if of always of a maneiraretrospectiva, that is, part of a gift in devir in direction to one passado' ' intensively infinito' ' , of complex delimitation. This part of the work to querdar account to think the scope of the historical causalidade of the point of view of suarelao with the way as the citizen cognoscente, the historian, can interferirnaquilo wants would be the tram ' ' real' ' of the past. It was common to previous historians the Weber (and unhappyly aindahoje) when turning itself the past to forget two elements central offices to it quecompe this its action: he forgets yourself, in first place, that the gift qualpartem it, armed with its concepts in direction to the past, he did not stop to pass while its judgments pronounce ecomparaes (conceptual), and, therefore, it finishes acting as if to pudesseseparar itself of ' ' reality currently vivida' ' to reach a dopassado immovable point thus. The second recklessness, consequence of this first one, is that qualquerfenmeno description, in the measure where only comes to be known through luzesque is launched it by a gift that is its continuation, has necessariamenteque to acquire sensible and distinct meanings.