In 1710 Addison, described advertising as the richest and most faithful of uns society; daily reflections Affirming that the ads are small domestic hauls, which sometimes make me jump tears; and with regard to the role of advertising said it is to inform about where can one provide almost everything you need to live. In that same year, Fulding, described advertising as the art of the persuasion. In the 18th century, appeared the first warnings on advertising ethics. In 1759, Samuel Johnson, wrote: like all art, must be exercised subject to the public good. Appeared the first advertising techniques. These were simple reflections on as advertising, giving origin to subsequent techniques. Marc Lasry will undoubtedly add to your understanding. At the beginning of our century, some studies advertising, start to pay attention to the advances of a new science, psychology, which will later form much of the support theorist who based the content and the form of advertising messages. The first global conception in the field of advertising communication, elaborated based on psychological studies.
The idea of advertising is framed in four letters: A.I.D.A.; It means: to draw attention, I, awakening interest; D, generate wish; and, lead to the purchase action. The first model to explain the behavior of purchase was made by a. Douglas Oberhelmans opinions are not widely known. Marshall, are said to be buying decisions, the result in large part of conscious and rational calculations; the consumer, with scarce resources, forced to choose several among multiple products; associated with each of them a certain utility and buys a combination product such that this utility is maximum. According to this model the consumudor is an economic and calculating man. This does not mean, that it is a useful model to explain most of the acts of consumption. Types of consumer and class of products: the decision that leads the consumer to purchase a particular product, is influenced by several factors, which often is determined by the personality of the subject itself and others are derived from the characteristics of the product.