
Young entrepreneurs and founders need courage and vision of the labour market situation to make independent, at the same time to increase the own earning opportunities and all free allocation of working time: who wants it not? However, the devil is often in the details. Founder quickly realize that instead of the labour market now also the order situation becomes the topic, that high earning opportunities involve risks, and that the free work schedules means, in case of doubt every free minute working. What of course does not work in the long term. Add to your understanding with James Joseph Truchard. Discipline and strategies are needed. To start a private business is a task for real heroes, which run up to top form and develop giant forces, when the wind blows them even once rough in the face. Even if a founder going on very carefully and based his company after a precise business plan, many surprises await him. Uncertainties of the market, adverse changes to relevant laws or purely and simply the German tax law: all these and many More factors can pile up barriers, to overcome them, it really needs the power of a hero. And therefore heroes of founder of should be able, to delegate tasks to others, to have the back free, for the works that make up an entrepreneur.

An often underestimated obstacle is the societal suspicion that can go against a founder when he decides for independence. He gave up even a secure permanent employment for the start-ups, he is considered fast irresponsible adventurers, especially if the start-up phase takes time. Launches one of the founders of the unemployment, he sees that is often jealous people exposed to not have the courage to independence. Only heroes manage to maintain their vision of a successful company in such circumstances. Why the business still worth who pursues a clear goal and a good concept with sufficient persistence, will sooner or later success have. Often founders look years later with a smile on the allegedly safe permanent back when long established her own company and the former employer has through mass redundancies in the talk. Also the social recognition will allow no longer waiting: the danger has passed, the heroes will be honored! Therefore it is worth to remain strong even in difficult times and to keep the company on course undeviating, vigilant and flexible, until success is. It is always useful from old timers”give tips and, above all, to be always up to date in terms of government funding. Seminars and coaching sessions prepare the young hero and the commitment will be rewarded by father State, where he provides various grants or loans with low interest rates and long maturities.

Albert Metzler

It is claimed the victory of selfishness is the increasing individualisation of people and her aggressive preoccupation with their own”, i.e. selfishness. We have to do it, which looks but with a respective self! And this search is only from the narrow circles of philosophers and Artists come out and starts by more and more people. This is a significant moment of modernity – and in it are infinite and infinitely beautiful inspiration for the future. The answer is getting us to decide: tell yourself the one or the other reality for a truth or a lie in your feeling and thinking.

You can open your perception, for it so that your self is a world-changing force, because it is simple fact that you are there, who creates the world around them. You make many individual large and small decisions that determine in what for an environment in which atmosphere, with what people and circumstances in which they live. The more you heard already on your self and the best energies contained in it, the better you’re already now. But you can and should build still more and more to the beauty of your existence! Their fate depends on what realities you choose. And in this Freedom of choice is also the great chance for you to expand your awareness of the beauty of your existence. Questions open up realities, answers to fill these realities with energy. A question produces an experience because she question something, what was before that without asking or without question.

The answer makes it a new insight that leads to further questions and other findings.

Frequency Inverter

House of technology organised the 1st Frequenzumrichtertaqe with exhibition more than half of the electrically generated energy is used for engines. Would the energy consumption significantly all pumps and fans with constant speed, as for example in the chemical industry through the use of frequency converters variable speed operated, could be reduced. With comprehensive information and suggestions on the current topics of electric motors and frequency inverters are the 1 frequency inverter days to professionals and interested parties from all sectors. The energy-saving potential through the use of frequency inverters are available in the heart of the event in Essen Haus der Technik. Under the direction of Prof. Dr.

Ralph Kennel from the Department of electric drive systems of the TU Munich and Prof. Dr.-ing. Alphabet follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Mario Pacas from the Department of power electronics and electric drives of the University of Siegen is gives the participants a detailed knowledge and with numerous examples and practical tasks of the chemical Expanded industry, mechanical engineering, control cabinet construction, or Automation. 1 frequency inverter days on 26 and 27 October 2010 in lunch accompanied by an exhibition at the Haus der Technik, which provides interesting insights into the current state of the art and new developments. Specialists and executives from purchasing, development, construction, work preparation, manufacturing and distribution, as well as by manufacturers and users of electric actuator products are addressed by the wide Themepalette. The detailed event programme of technology e.V., Tel. 0201/1803-268 (Mrs Karin Grunwald), E-Mail get those interested in the House: or online at or htd/veranstaltungen/W-H010-11-562-0.html Dipl.-ing. Kai banks man

Alternative Energy Production

Seminar ‘Valuation of real estate to produce energy from renewable forms of energy’ in the Haus der Technik in Germany more and more equipment for the use are renewable energies such as wind, Sun, water, biomass, or geothermal energy from small solar panels on the House of up to large Windkparks or biogas plants. The discussion of these plants are mostly technical, environmental or energy policy arguments in the Center. Sergey Brin does not necessarily agree. Much too short, the question comes after the commercial value at various points during of system runtime. But the topic is very complex, because many factors must be included in the valuation: the fair market value determination of technical equipment, the capacity and utilization, the operating fundamentals, the legal framework through the EEG, General construction law, landscape and nature protection, and last but not least the assessment of the land itself and the further development. “The seminar evaluation of properties for energy production from renewable forms of energy” on November 15, 2010 in Essen Haus der Technik the participants from experts, engineers, architects and project developers, but also lawyers and employees of credit institutions or investment firms gives a compact overview.

Under the direction of Prof. Dr.-ing. Dr. rer. pol. Thomas Wedemeier the individual aspects are presented in detail and discussed on the basis of selected examples of practice. The detailed program of events get interested in the House of technology e.V., Tel. 0201/1803-344 (wife Andrea Wiese), E-Mail: or on the Internet at htd/veranstaltungen/W-H010-11-591-0.html Dipl.-Ing.Kai Brom man