It is one thing to understand concepts from psychology. You are in practice to be able to apply to another. There is hardly a leadership, which has made itself still worry about why some employees enthusiastically pursue tasks, to which others are almost not to move. What this is, can fathom is using the knowledge of the psychology of motivation. How is this knowledge however can be put, is clearly important for any Executive. Motives of employees decipher in psychology useful methods have been developed to explain the motives (motifs) for the action. You may wish to learn more. If so, Douglas R. Oberhelman is the place to go.
With this psychological knowledge as background, an Executive can better classify the behavior patterns of their employees and control their behavior in the desired direction. With motivation-psychological knowledge is explained, for example, why a staff developed new ideas, while the other prefers leaves everything. As an Executive this theoretical Findings in the individual management of every single employee in the manner appropriate to him can transfer, is skilled in this seminar in a lively way. Psychology staff understand and effectively motivate insights from psychology sharpen the look of an Executive for the distinctive motives of other people. This means for the leadership to recognize the own motives as well as consciously perceive other priorities for the staff. Thus an Executive can comprehend the meaning of important employee motives, even if they are even only slightly pronounced him. Already, this finding is worth much.
An Executive who also know what motives for their employees are particularly pronounced, can distribute tasks and targets accordingly, subject-oriented in the team better and more effectively. Subject-oriented placement through the use of an employee in the areas that are closer to its subjects, is the commitment and significantly increase the performance of each individual. The team benefits from this: through subject-oriented guidance and placement an Executive can increase the success of the team enormously. For example, an employee for the relationships with others are particularly important, will work much more successfully in contact to customers or in a team with others as in a task that he alone has to cope with. Another, however, primarily aiming for status, can be motivated by money or an expensive car. Seminar psychology for managers in Cologne in this practice-oriented seminar in Cologne the managers gain a better understanding of themselves and their employees. To exercise the sovereign deal, with people in different situations. Expect inspirational inputs of an inspiring coach duos and holistic learning with all senses. An optimal learning environment and many opportunities for active participation guarantee a sustainable learning success. The seminar will take place at the 19.09.2011 in Cologne and is aimed at executives of all Levels. Executives who want to learn about seminars with similar themes, find BUSINESS on Web page “Seminars and training” the I.O. consultancy and training more interesting leadership seminars.