The perisprito possesss a region that if binds to the spirit, the call ' ' body mental' ' , and another region that if binds to the body, ' ' field vital' '. Carrying through a comparison the vital principle functions as a species of interruptor, which, when defendant, makes to circulate all the spread vital fluids in the Vital Field. This circulation is that it generates the fenmino of ' ' life orgnica' '. In contrast of the vital principle, the double etreo vibrating in low frequency and, therefore, is the layer densest of the perisprito. Densificada is an energy zone sufficiently, next to the physical body and assures the linking between this and the perisprito, of which, you unite, is part, as if it was a prolongation, functioning as filter of the physical emanations, not allowing bigger organic transferences for the subtility of the perisprito.
One notices that the double etreo desentegra after deixars a carne. It is in the vital field that we have the usinagem of the magnetic fluids that they are the primordial elements of the pass, in special the magnetic one. Being these sufficiently dense usinagens, them if they reflect in the double etreo, reing-echo in the aura directly. Had to these usinadas fludicas densities, and so that a good harmonization is gotten, are necessary that the vital fields are in harmony between itself. We know that the mental, psychic action and the will of the Spirit intervenes, in extreme and consistent way in the occurrences and the functioning of the Vital Field.
Centering our comment on the vital, easy field to conclude that for it they transit and until they park the energies that come from the Spirit, in direction to the body, as well as happen in relation to the deriving emanations of the actions physics-orgncias of the body to the Spirit. It is for the vital field that the fluids and the substances densest are worked. In it also the usinagem of the magnetic fluids, that are the essential elements of the pass, in special is made of the magnetism. In summary we have then: . Perisprito: Energy set that acts as intermediate between the spirit and the coarse and weighed substance (physical body). It is had, for its composition and functions, as one ' ' body espiritual' ' that is, a wrap half-material of the spirit (therefore the energies are subtler than the substance). Amongst its main functions it is distinguished linking with the physical body. Double Etrico: Called for some as vital body, or vital field, it is a set of materialized energies more, whose basic function is the linking of the perisprito to the physical body, providing vitality to this. Many times are confused with the vital fluid or vital principle, when in the reality the vital fluid is one of the components of the double etrico. Aura: It is a generic name for the energy irradiations that occur from the spirit. The irraida perisprito, the double etrico radiates and the physical body also radiates. This set of irradiations generally aura is called.