Kolbe Priest Kolbe

My life does not have no utility. In the Place of who you want to die? Of that man who has woman and children. … Of that time the curiosity was stronger of what the cruelty. Fritsch tried to understand: Who is you? The reply if it made to hear soon and solemn: Priest catholic. (WINOWSKA, 1983, pp. 177-178). In accordance with Nigg, the call ' ' Last chronicle of dias' ' it tells that Kolbe priest and its friends had been confined in a bilge without no sufficiently narrow air inlet and, being they completely naked (cf.

1982, P. 66). In this sad and shady enclosure, the only force was directed to comfort excessively the e, beyond the oblation gesture Kolbe priest still became an icon in claustro of Auschwitz: it sang Santssima Maria (cf. they ibidem), what it was inexplicable inside of that inhospitable place with I smell of death. Day after day the prisoners died. Incredible, however, it is the fact of that, although the advanced tuberculosis, Kolbe priest were the last one to die, and this because the life had taken off it. Passed fifteen days in claustro of the death still they remained four prisoners, of which three were unconscious and still discerning Kolbe priest. According to Nigg, on the basis of the certification of the prisoner Bruno Borgowiec who worked as interpreter and grave-digger, the death of Kolbe priest if gave in the following way: …

After fifteen days of suffering, was needed the space for other victims. But four prisoners still were livings creature: three of them were unconscious, lying in the soil; the Kolbe Priest was only seated, leaned in the wall, total depleted, but fully conscientious. Together with the interpreter, a doctor went down and entered in the cell of the death. The Kolbe Priest who, of so lean, seemed a skeleton, without saying word some, offered the left arm to the assassin in white suit, in order to receive from it the Phenol injection.


I intend, in the present work, to approach the subject on the death of the Scrates philosopher in Old Greece. In this direction, I fits to portray what this fact represented for the plis Greek at that time, as well as dialoguing with what represents until today to our society, a time that the Greek thought influenced the way all to think occidental person until a Modern Age. For this, I will have in mind the text written for Loving Alceu Rasp, located in the Introduction of ‘ ‘ Vindication of Scrates’ ‘ , of Plato, in which the author aims at to the explanation of the facts that had taken Scrates to die and to accept its death of all ahead. I will also take as base a primoroso chapter of the book ‘ ‘ Myth and thought between gregos’ ‘ , of Jean-Pierre Vernant, in which the author describes the historical moment for which the philosophy is born, what it meant for the Greeks, portraying its parallelism with the world concrete of the plis of which he was part. I also intend to take in consideration the Myth of the cave, written for Plato, that it is mentioned, in fact, to the pretension of the philosophers to know the real truth, in arriving at the level of so great knowledge to reach the intelligible world, what it portraies great questions to the reasons that had taken Scrates to the death. Valley to remember, over all, that one is about an academic work, making with that he is white of quarrels and debates, not depleting any another content. 2. The DEATH OF SCRATES Abordar the philosophy is to approach the world Greek, is to approach quarrels and debates. It is born, in Greece, as an evolution of a mythical thought, that if restricted to one definitive small number of people, who if congregated to debate subjects, problems, questions that if they related to the reality of the time.

The Obligation And The Love The Chronic God

The obligation and the love the God We need in elapsing of our lives, to separate what you make for obligation and what you make for love, at least we must try. To work, to give accounts with the society, if to become a worthy citizen, this you make for obligation, to take care of of the children, to serve the God, this you you make for love. But and when the obligation comes folloied of the love. Nor everything what we make, really is obligator, as well as nor everything is love. What we know is that we have the duty to honor our commitments, to fulfill with our obligations that many times even pass unobserved for we ourselves. Now the question took that me to write this article is simple or not, it goes to depend on the point of view of each one. As it is its relationship with God, but necessarily with Jesus Christ. It will be that to go the mass all the sundays, to fulfill with its paper of Christian, to confess the least a time per year, to pray, to pardon, if to donate the next one, to read the Bible and as much other things.

You make for love or simply for obligation. When you go the mass in the sunday, this fulfilling an obligation, but when she participates of the other days also, or even though of groups of conjunct, in end when she engages yourself in some work to serve the God. With certainty this makes everything (what still it is little), simply for love. Because we want to repay what the proper God has made and makes for us to each day. to work for Its Kingdom is a form to thank for all the blessings that It has in the proportionate one.

But also an alert one goes here. Everything what to make the God, makes for love, and still will be little, the visa of what It made and makes for us. Nor always we are made use to go for the church, to pray, to compliment the people or even though to give a simple smile. It is at this moment that is the doubt, I go for obligation or love, in this in case that the love enters. The pardon is a love act and is dom of God. Who only has Christ, possesss this virtue to pardon. I believe that nobody pardons the other for obligation and yes for love. It has decisions that we take that it is for obligation, but what it prevails are the love. one more time I ask for, everything what to make the God, it makes for love, it continues fulfilling with its obligations, with its duty. But of everything this, only difference that goes to be valid the penalty in elapsing of all its existence goes to be things that you to make for love, because the obligation will be always an obligation that goes to pass, as soon as it will be concluded, but the love will be always something that goes to remain and will give the true direction in its life. After all, obligation and love of certain form walk together.

The Past

If it was observing that modern science appears of religious dasdoutrinas and ethical elements, or that the organization of the state Russops-revolutionary kept practical and structures of the capitalism which se' ' opunha' ' , Weber gave clear indications to a intent reader of whom haviapercebido it that what to present determined one it appeared as ' ' oposto' ' &#039 only semostrava in the future as a shade; ' diferente' ' of the same gradual scale. Now, we will say briefly on omodo as the subject treated here if it incases in the remain of the work. Ours it will missoser to present aspect essential of the historical causalidade in function to delater that necessarily to express itself in the composition of a direction for historical aperspectiva, composition this that if of always of a maneiraretrospectiva, that is, part of a gift in devir in direction to one passado' ' intensively infinito' ' , of complex delimitation. This part of the work to querdar account to think the scope of the historical causalidade of the point of view of suarelao with the way as the citizen cognoscente, the historian, can interferirnaquilo wants would be the tram ' ' real' ' of the past. It was common to previous historians the Weber (and unhappyly aindahoje) when turning itself the past to forget two elements central offices to it quecompe this its action: he forgets yourself, in first place, that the gift qualpartem it, armed with its concepts in direction to the past, he did not stop to pass while its judgments pronounce ecomparaes (conceptual), and, therefore, it finishes acting as if to pudesseseparar itself of ' ' reality currently vivida' ' to reach a dopassado immovable point thus. The second recklessness, consequence of this first one, is that qualquerfenmeno description, in the measure where only comes to be known through luzesque is launched it by a gift that is its continuation, has necessariamenteque to acquire sensible and distinct meanings.

Snow Ticket

By the way of the snow melted (or wet) the memories alone appear in the second part. In it only is that a history properly said is had, with sequences, action and personages. Here the narrator becomes more personage. They are sequenced episodes of a period of its life, that of in such a way suffering remoendo them, it feels the necessity to pour them in the paper, in an attempt to alliviate itself. Concrete data appear of the narrative personage, its infancy, its routine.

Its life is translated the practical one, shows the consequences, the empecilhos that appear in the life of somebody with so great conscience. Some episodes arrive to be colorful, seno pathetic. Even though its attempt to fight in a tavern finishes frustrate. He is evidenced that it is not capable at least to be played by a window, even so has attemped in go to obstruct the ticket of the gentlemen that played billiards there. In the sequence of the narrative, Perhaps, for not possessing to be able to modify the great things, it takes care of to try to change simple daily facts as to yield ticket to one another person in the street. The desperation, of the man of the subsoil, takes it to all place it its persistence in the premeditation of a collision with an officer who takes a walk habitually mixed to the mass of passer-bys of a famous avenue of the city. It teoriza on this while it counts as ‘ was its; ‘ duelo’ ‘ not-declared with an officer, it plans with details as it will have to be the collision of them, the intensity degree, its clothes in the occasion; everything this not to give ticket to the officer in the sidewalk. In an access of he would histeria, it spends considerable part of its time and its commanded in the preparation of the shock with the officer to so only become to notice and to be convinced of that still it is a human being.

World Energies

The energy load the one that I am mentioning itself is that one happened of the reigns, lands, caves, mountain, of the territory. It is the energy in the pure state, without creature content spiritual. All the being spiritual is constituted of some type of energy, however, nor all energy flow possesss substantiates called crystal spiritual. As it said, previously, all energy converges to the Center of the Mandala, but nor all being spiritual with the energy load of its reign can cross the lesser vestibules. On the other hand the entities spirituals that inhabit the center of Mandala cannot pass through freely in the reigns and lands of the territory that are of the center of the same one. These entities know everything what it happens in the territory, but cannot circulate freely because its energy level, highly subtle, will be able to provoke riots in the other beings spirituals of its territory that have other types of energy vibration, mainly, those densest ones.

The borders that separate to the lands and reigns of the World of the Exus are ortaleza of energy in extraordinary movement. The small vestibules always are in movement, in different speeds, that depend on the energies who come of the physical world. This exactly, my reader, the physical energies influences the energies spirituals, later will speak on this subject. Some vestibules possess a false entrance that finishes taking the agent different spiritual for places of its will. An agent spiritual with high energy density (vibration next the vibration to the substance) will be able to desire to conquest a land and when seeing a vestibule, pparently attractive for its desires, to decide to cross it with the objective to obtain to saciar its desires not very noble, then the same will be able to fall in a cave astral that they are the arrests of the Low Astral.

Vital Field

The perisprito possesss a region that if binds to the spirit, the call ' ' body mental' ' , and another region that if binds to the body, ' ' field vital' '. Carrying through a comparison the vital principle functions as a species of interruptor, which, when defendant, makes to circulate all the spread vital fluids in the Vital Field. This circulation is that it generates the fenmino of ' ' life orgnica' '. In contrast of the vital principle, the double etreo vibrating in low frequency and, therefore, is the layer densest of the perisprito. Densificada is an energy zone sufficiently, next to the physical body and assures the linking between this and the perisprito, of which, you unite, is part, as if it was a prolongation, functioning as filter of the physical emanations, not allowing bigger organic transferences for the subtility of the perisprito.

One notices that the double etreo desentegra after deixars a carne. It is in the vital field that we have the usinagem of the magnetic fluids that they are the primordial elements of the pass, in special the magnetic one. Being these sufficiently dense usinagens, them if they reflect in the double etreo, reing-echo in the aura directly. Had to these usinadas fludicas densities, and so that a good harmonization is gotten, are necessary that the vital fields are in harmony between itself. We know that the mental, psychic action and the will of the Spirit intervenes, in extreme and consistent way in the occurrences and the functioning of the Vital Field.

Centering our comment on the vital, easy field to conclude that for it they transit and until they park the energies that come from the Spirit, in direction to the body, as well as happen in relation to the deriving emanations of the actions physics-orgncias of the body to the Spirit. It is for the vital field that the fluids and the substances densest are worked. In it also the usinagem of the magnetic fluids, that are the essential elements of the pass, in special is made of the magnetism. In summary we have then: . Perisprito: Energy set that acts as intermediate between the spirit and the coarse and weighed substance (physical body). It is had, for its composition and functions, as one ' ' body espiritual' ' that is, a wrap half-material of the spirit (therefore the energies are subtler than the substance). Amongst its main functions it is distinguished linking with the physical body. Double Etrico: Called for some as vital body, or vital field, it is a set of materialized energies more, whose basic function is the linking of the perisprito to the physical body, providing vitality to this. Many times are confused with the vital fluid or vital principle, when in the reality the vital fluid is one of the components of the double etrico. Aura: It is a generic name for the energy irradiations that occur from the spirit. The irraida perisprito, the double etrico radiates and the physical body also radiates. This set of irradiations generally aura is called.

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