Brazilian Association

The established models of management only in the disposioadequada collection and if have shown inadequate for reality of some cities. Asoluo can be in the development of integrated models that consider oprocesso since the moment of the generation of the residues. The application of the management model makes possible it collects, treatment and the reaproveitamento in accordance with the type and origin of the residue antesda deposition in the final destination, thus preventing the precocious saturation of the same. Ocorreto treatment given to the Residues of the Services of Health also representamsignificativa contribution to well-being of the society for treating itself demateriais, in its majority, of high material with being able infectante.

The SIMDRS takes care of satisfactorily as Urban Solid deResduos model of management when making possible the economic support dasoperaes; to preserve the environment; to preserve the quality of life dapopulao and contributes for the solution of the involved social aspects with aquesto. The culture of the minimizao in the generation of residues not yet uma reality. Efforts in the direction to acquire knowledge and to educate the population to devemser intensified in the SIMDRS so that the public administration possa’ ‘ To promote the ambient education in all the levels of the society and public aconscientizao for Brazilian Association of Norms Techniques. NBR10.004 Solid Residues Classification. ABNT. They are Pablo-SP, 2004. ALMEIDA, M.

the Model of Management of Solid Residues I subject Horizon. Urban development n 66, Available BH in: in 02.10.2009. BUTTER, Pablo Luiz. Ben Horowitz does not necessarily agree. Development of a model shared degerenciamento of the industrial solid residues in the system ambient degesto of the company. Mestrado Dissertao of. Available in: HTTP: esso in: 27.07.2009. COAST, F.E and ROBELES. System of eempresarial ambient management in the destination of not conventional solid residues: the case docentro of management of solid residues of Jundia case study.


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