What Is Meant By Low Energy?

The energy level of a low energy House is the norm today for a new building. This stan-dard today assumes a new common minimum. Still in the planning phase, before the House is built, the architect determines which energy standard the building later to reach. While he is not based on his actual energy consumption, because you can not measure yet the Yes in a planned House, but to the energy consumption. He can predict that based on a theoretical model. The rules of the energy saving Ordinance set how these values are to determine.

There one attracts a so-called Referenzhaus as model numbers comparison. The resulting building must not exceed the values of the reference House in determining the energy standards. Click Kevin Johnson to learn more. This Referenzhaus is like a mirror image of the planned House, which looks the same, equal and theoretically stands in the same place. But it does it differ in all points that are relevant for the energy standard, since only on a minimum standard version features: This applies to the base, walls and roof insulation, the quality of the Windows and the heating system including the complete home automation. According to the current laws, a low energy so is still up to date in any case and allows. A new House must do so only better than this model with a minimum standard, and it’s a low-energy building.

With the current ways of construction and heating and plumbing every new building can do it easily. Builders who opt for a new building, is advisable, however, to focus, when construction costs allow now to a higher level. Also in the planning of the energy levels is so: cost and long-term operating costs carefully weigh up. Who would like to learn more about this topic and about the definition of other types of House, informed on my page House types of building up plusenergiehaus. There is also my current E-book for developers as a free download. It is the 10 most frequently asked questions by builders’ and explains all essential basics, the builders will need to start planning.

Offshore Wind Energy

Between positive expected return and network development delay. BWE Symposium offshore wind energy financing concepts, investment opportunities and risk allocation offshore wind energy a currently more attractive market. KfW funding scheme and EEG 2012 increase investment and earnings potential of offshore wind energy. To be able to benefit from the compensation project planners make a substantial pre-financing: between one and one and a half billion euro must be met with wind energy equity or debt financing for these offshore. Yet the crowd is considerable: in addition to the 25 approved wind farms almost 70 offshore wind farms are in the approval process and funding structure. “The Bundesverband WindEnergie handled this important issue in the Symposium of offshore wind energy financing concepts, investment opportunities and risk allocation” from 15.

Until May 16th, 2012 in Hamburg. In close cooperation with the Foundation of OFFSHORE wind energy will be a focus on the currently much discussed bottlenecks in the power supply set. Due to delays at the mains it comes a high risk for the financing to yield losses and increased storage costs for the offshore wind energy turbines. Experts from the wind energy practice presenting solutions for the acceleration of grid connection of offshore wind farms and compare insurance solutions for cable damage. In addition, banks, developers and operators represent the possibilities of the project financing of offshore wind energy projects.

Just the holdings of KfW and the European Investment Bank are indispensable for many offshore wind energy projects. Raising equity capital through joint ventures with investors, authors and suppliers is discussed as alternative way. The Federation regularly conducts wind energy network and training forums on current topics of wind energy. Conference on offshore wind energy financing concepts, investment opportunities and risk allocation date: 15-16 may 2012 place: Hamburg filing information and that full programme of the BWE, see events/offshore-wind energy financing concepts investment opportunities and risikoallo contact: Thorsten Paulsen, head of events & corporate publishing Bundesverband WindEnergie e.V. service hotline: 030 / 20-164-222 E-Mail:

Polaris Market

Experts on sustainable criteria will inform everyone is talking only a few eco gas of green electricity. Consumers switching to eco gas from waste support much stronger than with the switch to green electricity energy transformation. In private households around 87 percent of energy consumption accounted for heating and hot water and only 13 percent, electrical and lighting. * given that more than three quarters of all heaters * as with fossil fuels as oil and natural gas are operated, the energy transition is still far despite rising customer numbers at the eco-electricity. Who wants to accelerate the expansion of renewable energies, must rethink the heating.

An awareness of the heating and the change to eco gas or alternative cookers make the difference”, is Florian Henle, co-founder of Polaris, concern. Eco gas a late starter on catching 3.2 million to about 200,000 * show the current customer numbers: eco gas has much growth potential compared to green electricity. In the last year, 4.5 million households switched their energy supplier according to GfK energy tracking. Jim Umpleby wanted to know more. Change affinity of consumers to eco gas still clearly behind the eco-electricity is. The eco gas market is lagging the green electricity market almost a decade.

The liberalisation has been implemented later and on the other hand, the market is more complex. The utilities are therefore required to develop new products that meet the demands of the customers on sustainability and price. The good in the potty, the bad into the crop this year brought many new eco gas products on the market according to GET AG. In total approximately 191 utilities should have appropriate offers in its portfolio. The number of bio natural gas providers in Germany even more than doubled since the beginning of 2010. The competition is gaining momentum. For the consumer, but also the need for orientation is growing. Trust seal as in the electricity market are still missing.

Energy Revolution

InterCogen informed within the framework of the RENEXPO around the power heat coupling will boom in the area of combined heat power (CHP) in 2012. Inspired by the current debate over the energy transition and the search for alternative energy sources undreamed market potentials for the area. So, the Federal Government wants to expand its share of the co-generation of German electricity production up to 25 per cent by 2020. The optimal platform for the presentation of new innovative technologies for the co-generation offers the 13 RENEXPO, which will take place from 27 to 30 September 2012 at the Messezentrum Augsburg. The trade fair has established itself as one of the leading platforms in the South German area in recent years. According to coalition sources, the Coalition factions in Parliament want to rework the promotion for the combined heat and power. The Coalition wants to increase from 2013 as initially planned the CHP contract for new equipment 0.2 cents per kilowatt hour, but climbed 0.3 cents / kWh. In addition to the better promotion of new installations existing power plants with the law should be more easily retrofitted and modernized.

In addition, heat and cooling networks as well as heat and cold storage should be encouraged. Homeowners facing a mini CHP plant in the basement, could withdraw advance promotion for several years. This, the Coalition hopes a boost for small and micro of up to two kilowatts capacity and thus an incentive for the development of a decentralised energy supply. Manufacturers and suppliers, service companies and representatives from the research and development will present their latest technologies and research results on the RENEXPO. The entire range of topics combined heat and power will be presented: innovations in the fields of micro -, mini -, medium-sized or large, oil – or gas-fired cogeneration plant, local and district heating, and changing requirements, such as a modular operation mode or virtual power plant concepts become tangible.

Polish Energy Policy

Lectures and discussions on the 19.03.2013 at 19: 00 in the Fraunhofer Professorship of the Polish Institute in Berlin 19 March 2013 at 19:00 together, branch of Leipzig, the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Poland for Saxony and the Fraunhofer MOEZ organize the Panel discussion challenges of Polish energy policy in the rooms of the Fraunhofer MOEZ. Discussed are the priorities, which puts Poland in the field of energy policy as well as questions of security of supply, economic efficiency, and last but not least the environmental impact. The discussion is at the same time Poland society, science, economy and politics series kicks off”of the Polish Institute of Berlin Leipzig branch. The series of events to each at different locations in Saxony, topical information about Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia and provide an opportunity for discussion. Official site: Ben Horowitz. Refer to the first panel discussion on 19 March 2013 and discuss: Katarzyna Kacperczyk, Director of the Department for economic cooperation in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the Republic of Poland, MA? gorzata Szyma? ska, Director of the Department of petroleum and gas, Ministry of economy of the Republic of Poland, Prof.

Dr. Thomas Bruckner, Prof. Dr. Thomas Bruckner, Fraunhofer MOEZ and holder of the Vattenfall Europe professorship in energy management and sustainability at the University of Leipzig and Thomas Prausse, CEO of Stadtwerke Leipzig. Moderator: Dr.

Karolina Jankowska, guest researcher at the Fraunhofer MOEZ. Location: Fraunhofer MOEZ, Neumarkt 9-19, 04109 Leipzig. Stairway B, 4th floor, right. The event will be interpreted, admission is free.

Two Surveys

If the company is in the process of information about the tastes and preferences of customers, companies interviewed often rent check companies seeking opinions on the consumption of products and services useful to customers. Here, the paid surveys or surveys internet enters the equation. Tests made with the paid surveys or internet surveys are simply tools used by a company to improve its business guidelines. Because your opinion is valuable, with the paid surveys or surveys internet could acquire by a series of awards and are not limited only to money. You may find Jonas Samuelson to be a useful source of information. Guests can participate in the exchange of products, discounts, or in a variety of cash prizes. A quick search online shows that there are some paid surveys or surveys internet sites, but the benefit of these ads are more for which sells the information of the companies that pay for surveys that subscribers to respond to surveys. Unfortunately, there are many sites that take advantage of the situation and offer some surveys in exchange for rewards that do not intend to pay. Although results vary, some people have achieved that paid surveys are his fundamental work to support their family or for extra money and do some desired shopping long ago.

If you want to participate in surveys paid surveys b you think that it is too good to be true, you might have reason, only need to find a good site that take you to find the best deals and achieve success. If you’ve tried to participate in surveys paid previously but you did not receive any survey that has worth answering, it was surely because profile that you sent was not right to ask yourself about surveys that are worth. All the leading companies that are responsible for selecting people to answer paid surveys, should ensure that those persons comply with certain parameters of the general information needed.

PowerPoint Type

Being short, practical, e-Learning is learning based on technology. For the eloquent, e-Learning is the use of the power of the World Wide Web to provide education, anytime, anywhere. Being descriptive, electronic education is training and training students and employees using materials available to Web through the Internet, coming to offer sophisticated facilities such as flow of audio and video, PowerPoint presentations, links to information related to the topic published in the Web, animation, electronic books and applications for generating and editing images. For epigraphers, e-Learning represents the convergence of learning and the Internet. And finally, for the visionary and futuristic, e-Learning is to conventional education what e-Business to ordinary businesses.

In the Wikipedia, have also published the definition of what is e-learning, where noteworthy, the benefits of training: practical immersion in a Web 2.0 environment spatial and temporal barriers (from his own home, at work, on a trip through mobile devices, etc.). It is a great advantage for companies geographically distributed practices in virtual simulation environments, difficult to obtain in classroom training, without a large investment. Real knowledge management: Exchange of ideas, opinions, practices, experiences. Collective enrichment of the process of learning without geographical boundaries. Constant updating of contents (logical deduction of the previous point) reduction of costs (in the majority of cases, at the methodological level and, always, in the logistic aspect) allows a greater reconciliation of family and working life training e-learning, you can say that it is a type of distance training which includes the Variant that formation is obtained through telematic means, using the internet as a means of job network for the realization of the training action. Usually this type of training is developed through a training platform, where the student, have a few keys that can directly access your course, seminar or master, in this platform, the student has in its possession all documentation, testing, contacts with tutors, with student forums, chats for this formation, with an online development, where the student contact their tutors through the networkthe documentation of the training action must be prepared so that the student can understand all the terms without any difficulty. Basically, we try to remove entire straw and leave in content that really interests us to obtain the necessary knowledge.

The current situation of e-learning. For the company, this type of training, is this turning into something indispensable, to today according to the digital magazine Learning Review 33% of companies Spanish, using e-learning in their training activities for employees, four years ago, only 9% of companies used this methodology. Spain currently sits at number 11 in the ranking of European countries in training e-learning, but the best is yet to come. These data are encouraging for the e-learning training, since experienced growth gives to know that Spanish companies, betting strong on this type of training for their employees. Not only, companies are seeking this type of training for their employees, but that also many individuals, profited from kind of training, to obtain knowledge and qualifications and thus move forward both professionally and in the labor. Therefore, training e-learning, is becoming the formation of the future for all those who want to make progress both professionally and occupationally, and may compatible with any other activity. SN training El Blog de SN training original author and source of the article

Security Management

It is becoming increasing valuation of the senior officials of the organizations, concerning the safety of the information of your company in a way that decisions taken in their daily work, allow them to place your company in an area not only of minimal risk, but of strength with respect to the management of information. The really surprising thing is not that this perspective has CUTWORK on employers, but that increasingly has larger vessels in workers who engage the Organization, so that they contribute to a more agile and effective advancement, and to increase competitiveness in this branch of the management. From this point of view, what future horizon is the desired? He is putting in value as a competitive advantage, which in times of crisis, where the uncertainty and pessimism sometimes prevail, those companies that offer certainty and security in the management of its information, are positioned better than those who do not care. The picture of a company that does not provide the safety management for your information, can have consequences as lack of information at the time that is needed, functional deficiencies in the information systems, lack of operational performance of employees. Many times there happened to see lack of consistency in the data of a company? If these data are the accounting department, it is better not to think of the impact could have in formulating business decisions, and more even in these times. However, the study of the efficiency in the treatment of the information, as a review of an ISMS point, allows better strategic decisions. We recall from AUDEA, as always, the best of defenses is prevention, so enterprises can implement a variable number of these management systems to improve the Organization and benefits, although the ultimate goal should be reaching a unique management system that contemplates all the aspects necessary for the Organization, based on the PDCA cycle of common continuous improvement to all these standards. Audea information security Dept. of Marketing and communication original author and source of the article