The meditative effect of the beautiful energies exerts the same fascination on anyone who hears it. Because each can with their help pure Extras existence, incidentally, without any esoteric touch, force quit / redeem and instead bring his own beautiful energies to life / being to create so new, creative and conscious realities themselves. Albert Metzler Inspiration Albert Metzler bestselling author, coach, coach and inspirator. Whether psychology, philosophy, management, design, art, General or recently also experimental film in all areas of Albert Metzler creative creativity of his self revealed. Admirably succeeds Albert Metzler, to transform his diverse insights and multidimensional observations in practical inspiration. With inexhaustible energy, Albert Metzler opened a look at the core of our da and called on the unique, universal self of man regardless of temporary trends. While the author inspired by its openness and its unique authenticity.
Wardin is publishing office in the market known as an established supplier of high-quality Advisor audio books, as well as the famous courses the Birkenbihl-method. All productions are manufactured in its own sound Studio. When choosing a speaker, the Publisher relies on renowned speakers and speakers, such as for example Matthias Haase (voice of Star TV), Alexandra Marisa Wilcke (voiced by Miranda Otto from Lord of the rings), Klaus Nierhoff (SOKO, the last flight) and Tobias Meister (German dubbing voice of Brad Pitt).