Brazil And The U.S., The New Monarchs Of Biofuel

Only Colombia lacks, who is the third largest producer of biofuels in America, in order to consolidate the new energy power in the region, Brazil and the United States prop up “a radical change to the world’s energy matrix in the next 20 to 30 years, “so said President Lula da Silva on his radio show Coffee with the President. It is no accident the union of these two countries, they represent 70 percent of ethanol produced in the world. Cooperation between the two countries will promote the worldwide use of ethanol, which will be included in the agenda that deal with both presidents, George W. Bush and Lula, the visit will be made in Washington later this month. When asked about the issues discussed with Bush in Washington, Lula said that ethanol and biodiesel, are the result of a productive relationship between Brazil and the United States where, according to the president said, take into account that “The United States remains individual’s main partner “that is Brazil. The Rio’s chairman noted that even though Brazil has a historical relationship with the United States will not neglect their heightened engagement, the process of strengthening Mercosur, the establishment of the South American Community of Nations and the Latin American integration process. Additional information is available at Jonas Samuelson. The governments of Washington and Brasilia, Sao Paulo signed during the visit of Bush on his tour through Latin America in Brazil, a protocol of cooperation to promote the use of ethanol as well as new quality parameters for the fuel derived from alcohol from the sugar cane and corn.