
These are still the basis of the offers to customers, it is therefore important to track the following trends: the products are tangible, easily copyable and less differentiated increasingly services are intangible. The client participates in its production. They can be highly variable. His assessment may be highly subjective experiences must be Memorables. Concentrate on the sensory and emotional part of a business relationship.

It is no longer enough to deliver a good product or a good service. It is necessary to create successful experiences and hopefully memorable to achieve customer return. Creativity and innovation is fundamental to design and put into operation these memorable experiences. Expanded product management. Companies must work to define and communicate to the market which is your product or extended service. For example, the client already does not buy a fridge.

Looking to buy a solution to your need to keep your food fresh, someone who advise on the best option according to their needs, someone who transports him and install your solution, that show how you to use it, it will even give you a guide through a book or training on the handling of foods. To offer you warranty, maintenance, etc. This corresponds to an expanded product. Customers do not want refrigerators, want solutions to their needs. Increasingly products and services become Commodities. Commodity without greater differentiation. The speed at which features, properties and functions are copied. The key is differentiation. Through added services. Through delivery of experiences. Analysis of costs. It has traditionally worked in reduction and optimization of the costs of production (goods and services). The product expanded increasingly requires greater aggregate in Add-ons and services to become more competitive through differentiation. The costs associated with the expanded product are in plug-ins and additional services. Add memorable experiences adds more cost to the product delivered to the client this is a general course on some of the trends of greater relevance. Please, analyze the impact to your business. There is a great probability that several of these factors do so thinking on how to innovate and improve their processes of care and customer service in order to keep their current customers and possibly attract new customers. As the days pass, centrarce on the client is not an option, is an imperative. Centrarce on the client is not only placed on slogan by saying that the customer is the most important thing. It is necessary to take action at the level of processes, people, data and tools to demonstrate difference and Captivate your customers. Develop this topic in greater depth in our seminaries of centralization on the client. Please visit our seminars page to sign up for our next edition. Original author and source of the article