The better alternative would be an LED lamp, because a poison inside several energy-saving lamps: Mercury. Mercury? Not in the LED lamp! Energy-saving lamps are very popular, at least according to the EU regulation which banned the sale of conventional bulbs. Most consumers expect to do a favor with this power-saving lamps of the environment and your own wallet. But the better alternative would be an LED lamp, because a poison inside several energy-saving lamps: Mercury. In contrast to the production of a LED lamp, is in the production of an energy-saving lamp still the poisonous heavy metal mercury used. In the manufacture of a LED lamp can be dispensed with completely such toxic agents. While a LED lamp can be disposed of in the household waste, an energy-saving lamp represents hazardous waste. A LED is a lamp to break no danger assumes because a LED lamp contains no toxic substances.
Unlike the case with an energy-saving lamp is: here, mercury can emerge. The Consequences would be light, as opposed to a broken LED, extremely fatal. In children with mercury that escapes from an energy-saving lamp come into direct contact may result in serious errors in the physical and mental development. Significant risk potential, that does not exist with an LED lamp. Can be fatal it, who accidentally takes this toxic substance to, again, the mercury-free LED lamp can score.
From this point of view it seems negligent in a nursery no LED lamp to install, because here there is the danger that children come into contact with the mercury from a broken energy-saving lamp. But what is the main motivation rather than using a LED lamp an energy saving bulb to buy? The saving of electricity costs in the operation. Here the light bulb in scores also, an LED lamp. Experts showed that energy-saving bulbs, about 50 to 60% require less power than the existing incandescent lamps. This is a considerable saving for the environment and its own budget. But the LED lamp cut in the consumption even more. Also an LED emits rays lamp either IR or UV.