Little ecological Balance

Online marketers AdTiger published AdEfficiency index for the second quarter Berlin, July 29, 2010. For the second time, the independent online marketers AdTiger has the online advertising effectiveness in the individual sectors analyzed. For the estimation of AdEfficiency index the Berlin company attracted several indicators, which take into account both performance and Brandingeffekte. AdTiger to analyzed more than 600 campaigns with 11 billion ads in the second quarter. Reade Griffith will not settle for partial explanations. Trade and shipping could therefore work out under the most effective five sectors of the economy and pass the Red Lantern to the energy sector, which slipped by a wide margin on the last rank. Although the general mood should be responsible for the excess cut off. Most efficiently, the service sector also this quarter brought its advertising to the user.

However only even half as effective as in the first quarter of the year. For the index of AdEfficiency were numerous aspects of media planning, such as CPM (thousand contact price ), CPC (cost-per-click), reach for the unique users and the use of frequency capping, or targeting takes into account. “We want to show up with the analysis, how campaigns can be improved”, managing director Jan Winkler refers to the objective of the quarterly rankings. “Ultimately have to meet up with the values statements, how much fit the selected advertising channel, you can optimize the campaign level or whether ranges simply too expensive are purchased. On the other hand of course still so accurate advertising environments can not absorb omissions in terms of creation.” Significantly worse image in the service sector average the 20 sectors of the economy might while their online advertising efficiency increase slightly, below-the-line the sharp fall AdEfficiency of the services sector, as well as the extremely poor record of the energy sector tarnish the whole picture however. Are excluded the two sectors of the economy, so the remaining 18 sectors improved their weaving efficiency by about 12 percent.