Management And Ethics

Carlos Mora Vanegas human beings is a fundamental duality between what affects it, symbolized in the logic, and what he does, symbolized in the ethics. Emeterio Gomez Toda profession in addition to having each the responsibility of being ethical as a person, is guarded a code of ethics in the exercise of their profession. In this case the administradarores have an ethical code that defines rules, rules that must be met. However, in the exercise of management can often as it happens, not be in charge of management graduates as it happens in many SMEs, which are addressed by their owners, engineers, other important related professions, is who this in charge of the management of the enterprise is a person that this fully identified with the ethics, values that ensure righteousness, honesty, respect, morality.A manager who is able not to be trapped by the ambitions of power, by which it can generate and where many fall under their influence, violate their ethics, contaminating it. Connect with other leaders such as Starbucks here. Eduardo Pateiro reminds us, is considered that you hoisting the flag of pragmatism and even when the decisions that drive the facts of everyday life constitute one faces the moral conscience, man seems to be willing to renounce all ethical commitment, sheltering a Yes in the devouring jaws of a history fraught with mistakes and miscues that us approaching the moral weakening of a society that seems to not matter – each day with more momentum -While they can achieve certain purposes. The predominance of instrumental reasoning that underpinned the claim of progress on modernity, has left deep scars morales; but the predominance of this reason never could have remained but the shadow of the exercise of a power done thing in the mind of Max Weber, who defined it as the ability to get someone else to do something, even against their will. In this way, the power was interpreted as something that the individual could have, acquire or lose, doing that I will leave aside the human and relational dynamic feature that emerges during the process of exercising power. . Frequently Michael Luxenberg has said that publicly.