Growth bunkering volume compared to 2007 was 37%. The main ports of bunkering company in 2008, has traditionally become Yaroslavl – 56.5% of the total volume of the hopper, Kazan – 21%, 9% Volgograd. Ship supply in St. Petersburg, shipping company "Vision Fleet" are not made, because fuel prices are offered bunkerers unreasonably high. Ben Horowitz takes a slightly different approach. In a survey conducted by IAA "" IAA "large river ship owners said that they prefer to purchase petroleum products from oil companies to further their delivery to the ports, where feasible and economically justified to produce bunkering vessels. The main part of the procurement is performed during the winter, which allows save 15-18% of the cost of bunker fuel. North-Western Shipping Company up to 90% of all purchases of fuel in Russia, produces a general agent of the company – JSC "Volga-Baltic Company" (IBD). The remaining 10% account for the purchase of bunker fuel in Kaliningrad, St.
Petersburg and Arkhangelsk. Databases for storage of petroleum shipping company are not usually so purchased in advance marine fuel is stored mainly in bunkering companies – suppliers, to the point of use. For storage of fuel paid separately. One gas station typically range from 100 tons to 5 tons. In St.
Petersburg, the largest amount of bunkers for river ships buys North-Western Shipping. The company believes that this area accounts for 40% of the total volume of marine fuel. Bunker fuel is shipping vessels in the waters of the Port of St. Petersburg and in the backwaters Utkin on the Neva. The bulk of marine fuel is obtained through the shipping company of IBD. In addition, the partners of EWS in Saint Petersburg are LLC "LUKOIL-Neva" Company "Baltic Bunker Company", LLC "Transles" and OOO "Petroprom." In Due to the requirements for the technical operation of vessels on inland waterways of Russia – the use of heavy fuels for marine diesel engines is not allowed when working on the exercises and follow a variable course. According to the practice Navigation, with pursuit of ships on the Volga-Baltic Canal to move heavy fuel vessels can only in Lake Ladoga (8 hours) and Lake Onega (4:00). Thus, the bunkering fuel oil is suitable only for vessels of "river-sea" that part of the route followed by the marine waters on a dark oil. Although modern shipbuilding has diesels with the appropriate system toplivopodgotovki able to work on fuel oil in any conditions.