
I intend, in the present work, to approach the subject on the death of the Scrates philosopher in Old Greece. In this direction, I fits to portray what this fact represented for the plis Greek at that time, as well as dialoguing with what represents until today to our society, a time that the Greek thought influenced the way all to think occidental person until a Modern Age. For this, I will have in mind the text written for Loving Alceu Rasp, located in the Introduction of ‘ ‘ Vindication of Scrates’ ‘ , of Plato, in which the author aims at to the explanation of the facts that had taken Scrates to die and to accept its death of all ahead. I will also take as base a primoroso chapter of the book ‘ ‘ Myth and thought between gregos’ ‘ , of Jean-Pierre Vernant, in which the author describes the historical moment for which the philosophy is born, what it meant for the Greeks, portraying its parallelism with the world concrete of the plis of which he was part. I also intend to take in consideration the Myth of the cave, written for Plato, that it is mentioned, in fact, to the pretension of the philosophers to know the real truth, in arriving at the level of so great knowledge to reach the intelligible world, what it portraies great questions to the reasons that had taken Scrates to the death. Valley to remember, over all, that one is about an academic work, making with that he is white of quarrels and debates, not depleting any another content. 2. The DEATH OF SCRATES Abordar the philosophy is to approach the world Greek, is to approach quarrels and debates. It is born, in Greece, as an evolution of a mythical thought, that if restricted to one definitive small number of people, who if congregated to debate subjects, problems, questions that if they related to the reality of the time.