Energy consumption at a glance: with smart metering solutions the ELV/eQ-3 Group Hamburg/blank, December 10, 2009 the clock for energy suppliers and network operators is ticking: from January 1, 2010 must be in all new buildings and renovations smart meters be installed. This dictates the directive in section 21 of the energy industry Act (EnWG). This should display the Intelligent measuring equipment the actual energy consumption, as well as its uptime users. An appropriate solution offers the ELV/eQ-3 Group boasting ESA 2000 via radio sensor energy saving lights it the consumption data of the single-phase energy meter and provides extensive evaluations. Due to rising energy costs and increased environmental awareness, it is important to continuously check the energy consumption of the own house or apartment for many consumers. A recent study describes the Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich (LMU) the high interest of the end customers to smart electricity meters. For the acquisition of smart meters would be Consumers thus willing to invest 80 to 100 euros.
The ELV/eQ 3-group with the ESA 2000 (39,95 euro) energy saving lights provides a cost effective solution. Energy saving light helps to identify with the ESA 2000 users always keep in mind their energy consumption savings potentials. Thus can be uncovered savings potentials and consumption behavior aligned individually then. The smart meter allows you to read the energy consumption at the secondary level, and works on the following principle: the System Monitor collects data of energy consumption via radio. To do this, the single-phase energy meter is equipped with a suitable sensor. Three basic versions are available here: the two-piece AC sensor, contactless captured the power consumption at the main counter for counter with Ferraris hub.
The optical LED sensor, however, scans the activity led by digital single-phase energy meter.