Sales Expert

We all know the situation when, for example, on a construction site injuries for drunken plasterer Vasey responsible leader. Either way, it blamed for failing safety regulation works. Naturally, each organization has its own specificity and strength of this specific one is responsible for a drunken plasterer Vasya, and some of the "frozen" the seller. Apparently, I'm not original, if all other failures and problems, which are assigned to the heads, I might add here more and failures CRM-initiatives. That mantra is worthy to repeat it as often as possible: do not blame software CRM, blame – or can be blame – only people (especially those who are called managers), who use it. The failure of CRM-initiatives, often called organizational failures and problems are not the software itself. Below presents a number of the main reasons for inefficient operation of CRM-systems in the sales office and lists ways to solve them: 1.

The concentration of forces is not in the home. Problem: The purchase of one after the other software CRM, usually more complex preceding and following the main problem is not buying earlier. This is done all under the pretext of searching software that meets the requirements of the company, although no one really and did not look at these requirements. Jim Umpleby has firm opinions on the matter. Solution: use the reverse process, involve all without exception to the definition of a list of experts the most important functions provided by the CRM-system (this must be done prior to purchasing a software package CRM). 2. The alienation of the trade personnel. Problem: The sales representatives may resist attempts to assassinate their independence, measures to change the methods used to work with clients.

Solution: The sales representatives initially should be involved actively in the planning process CRM. This ensures that their interests will be taken into account in being implemented CRM. 3. Poorly coordinated activities of business units. Problem: Quick Sales and Sales Expert suggests integrated approach to collecting, analyzing and sharing information within the firm. However, in companies, as our experience shows that is often very weak interaction between departments and staff in addition to this error lies in the fact that CRM – this is the case, which deals exclusively with personnel information and computer divisions. Solution: in the earliest stages of planning to create a close collaboration of all functional areas: sales, marketing, accounting, and information and computer department. 4. Too complicated procedures. Problem: very often the introduction of Quick Sales or Sales Expert, we faced with the fact that the company some unrealistic demands on CRM-systems, they are unrealistic in that with the help of CRM-systems companies want to automate processes that do not work. Solution: The first reorganize, and then proceed to practical purpose the implementation of CRM, you must get rid of or change the processes that prevent the achievement of the objectives pursued by your CRM-initiative. Here is not the whole list of potential "lovushok" which can be encountered in the implementation of CRM-systems, but these (if not corrected in time) could cause the company irreparable harm. So once again, if the CRM-system fails, the blame for this, most likely, not software security, and management of the company.

Karsten Bredemayera

But, my friends, even with an aggressive crowd of protesters can be overcome, then run the meeting, seize the initiative in a conversation is within our grasp. Today I will discuss the recommendations of the famous German coach Communications – Karsten Bredemayera to tame chatterbox, a subspecies – advisory. In the case of non-structural deviations from the main theme Bredemayer proposes a technique that he called Cascade. Level 1 Suppose Chatter away from the topic of the meeting for the first time for the meeting. Return chatterbox from heaven to earth (Principle 3 T). Touch (touch) We inform you that the topic on which he distracted – and not the main goal to not conduct. Turn (rotation) Name the main theme.

Talk (talk) continue to speak – in line with the main theme. Example: "Please do not go away from the main theme. (T) for us the most important – to solve the problem of arrears. (T) who is ready to provide data for the last quarter? (T) "Board of behavior: Touch – look closely at the destination. Turn – turn your sights on another party.

Talk – continue to look at the other. Level 2 Unfortunately, most often the nature of talker hopeless, and our talker tries again to lead the meeting to the side. The conversation becomes malokonstruktivnym. If the aimless debate continues, the German engineer advises show – 'Yellow Card', come on personal territory opponent. You leans back in his chair and just ask his interlocutor: "What do you all say?" Variant 'For what purpose did you say? " . And even more stringent: 'What, actually, you all are talking about? It does not apply to our subject. We're not interested to hear it. " Level 3 And here is a very goryacho.Diskussiya reaches the boiling point and you are required extraordinary measures to manage the meeting. The traditional scheme 'I – Ok, You- Ok, our conversation – Oak '- not urgent, the behavior of the interlocutor does not suit you, and you tell him about it. You give assessment – report a risk or DIRECT THREAT – and demand the rule. Example: 'You are too much and polemiziruete make it impossible to achieving our goals at the beginning of the meeting. We waste time on recriminations and accusations. Get to the point. Only in this case we will negotiate! " This technique is called Cascade, each level follows the previous one. If you are taken directly to Level 3, present at the meeting internally will not agree with such an aggressive escalation, and the talker could completely stop after the first level and not cause any problems. Only logical to follow the levels will give strength and weight to each sledubschemu, even the most stringent. You understand and agree with you! Exercise: Think of a difficult situation in which to cope with unpleasant companion you have and make all three levels of technology in the Cascade Bredemayeru own words. "It's heavier than the bags to carry '- said one of the leaders of a large network of stores after the production meeting – 'but before the paragraph was not at all'. These techniques do not make the meeting a light and bright, but with them you become more productive and confident. The meeting will be difficulty with which it is already possible to cope and achieve goals not spending a half day, and the maximum hour. Victoria Davydova Head of the Moscow School of Negotiations

Federal Service

As you correctly understood, is now beginning to bear the trademark you financial gain, money that you can easily implement in your wishes. Next is a trademark in your marketing campaign on your documents, at your offices. People know your brand, and now let's remember that we are working highly skilled professionals who provide your organization a favorable and positive feedback. About your organization will immediately begin to blow word of mouth, remember that if you're served a single client, then he tells about his six friends, and if you are poorly served customer, then he is telling the twelve familiar, it's statistics and gentlemen, and it has to be reckoned with. Trade mark registration will cost you twenty-five thousand, here will include specialist consultation, and the work of the designer, and registration fees.

Where will the registration cost, right in investments that reduce the tax and we pay, legally, on twenty-five thousand rubles less taxes. Employees say – that they were working in the real estate agency, knows about them familiar, that is, there are new customers. The domain name registered in your trademark in no one will take you. Twentieth April 2010 to begin the registration of domain names in Russia, first, the first week of the Russian domain zone would cost about 1 million rubles, then its price will decline before 5000, you can not rush, no one without you register your domain name and quietly buy it after the recession of 5000 ozhiatazha rubles. And your competitors will buy one million, otherwise, believe me, there will be people who will offer it to them for two. Registration Trademark brings some advantages, of course, if you do business. Next to the organizational intellectual resources is the database that you also register with the Federal Service of Intellectual and industrial property. All rights arising as a result of the work – this site design, advertising design, design, office signs, and even advertisements.