Rio De Janeiro

Given the egocentrismo on the part of the child the dialogue it is practically inexistent. Exactly when it plays in set with other children, it is verified that each one speaks for itself without if interesting with the answers of the others. To this intention, we must say of collective monlogo instead of colloquy or dialogue. Learn more at this site: Sergey Brin. The works of Piaget disclose with clarity that the representation of the world made for a child differs from the one of the adult. In the first years of the stadium daily pay-operatrio the child will not understand the conservation notion: two equal containers I contend volume of water the same are recognized for the child as having the same volume of water, if however if to lie down the liquid of one of the containers for a high and narrow test tube, the child, in this etria phase, will say that the test tube contains more water for the water level is higher, not yet understood that one objecto conserves its original properties (conservation notion). However the capacity to perceive the conservation in all the aspects did not happen simultaneously. For example, the number conservation or of volume it does not occur in the same age.

Period of training of the Concrete Operations – this stadium is drawn out approximately of the seven to the eleven years. At the beginning of the same, for return of seven years or eight, the equilibrao between the assimilation and the room become more steady. The end of this stadium marks the transistion of infancy for the puberty. During this stadium it appears the capacity of if effecting logical analyses, of – an increase of the empatia with the feelings and attitudes them others (ultraticket it egocentrismo) and is started to have understanding of more complex relations cause-effect. It is also in this stadium that if of the o jump in the development of the capacity of use of the symbolic thought. CONCLUSION the work of Piaget has widely influenced the practical one of the professor in the pertaining to school environment. To understand as it occurs the periods of training will be able to help the professor to understand and to develop its activities, adjusting to each period and each stage of the pupil.

Dollars Energy

I sat down to write an article for the blog. Wrote the beginning and suddenly realized that from the other room my name is … money! They are trying me to say something. I brought them to him, and put near your computer and prepared to write down everything they tell me. There is only what I say at this point the money itself. (I have the experience of receiving information). "I – the energy of money! I do not care how you call me: Dollars, Euros, Krones, U.S.

… Today I was given the opportunity to speak. And I will tell all that my soul has become painful …. Some love me, others are afraid, others hate … To know more about this subject visit Rob Crossland. But just energy! Strong, powerful – but the energy! Someone scolds me, because I did not come to him … I'm glad to come to each of you! I love you! I love to be in constant motion! I love to bring you joy and pleasure! I like to help you in your creative endeavors! I love when you care about my height! I love when you provide me a free move! I I love when you know what you want! I live and lively energy! What do you always have enough money, I ask you to abide by my rules are quite simple. 1. I love you, love you and me! 2. I do not like when people live in the past! I do not care it's victory or defeat! When you live in the past – I just do not know where to come to you! Do you in your past was a different address energy, and in the past you simply do not need is money ….

Clean Energy Generation

One of the most polluting countries in the world, China, is the surprise leader in efforts to generate an energy much more clean and beneficial to nature and the environment, according to a study reported the second week of October, surpassing the United States, Japan and Australia which has left very from behind. The report carried out by Vivid Economics and commissioned by the Australian Climate Institute (Australia s Climate Institute thinktank) shows that China was the second country, only behind Great Britain, seeks investment of different incentives to reduce pollution through electricity generation, this way to somewhat mitigate the effects of climate change. For its part, the efforts of Great Britain in this topic are estimated at 29.30 US dollars per tonne of carbon. China invests 14.20 US dollars, United States registers 5.10, 3.10 Japan, Australia 1.70 and just 70 cents of US dollar is what invests the South Korea. Six countries account for almost half of all the global emissions and the main generators of the greenhouse effect. The Chinese Government has taken a strategic decision that was not taken in the last two industrial revolutions and they don’t want to lose the opportunity to implement it. Now as a result are commanding the largest market share in investments in power clean worldwide. A breakthrough for this oriental country.

China’s investment in clean energy exceeded 35 billion US dollars in 2009 compared with $ 11 million in Britain and 18 million dollars in the United States, and it is hoped that this list this figure to increase tenfold over the next decade. Main motor from China for doing this was its commitment with the closure of more than 100 small coal power plants to thus formalise central coal cleaner in 2011, which, according to the report, could reduce emissions by 15 percent. Grants are also offered by million Yuan for green and renewable energy projects, with the target of generating 15 per cent of the total energy of the nation from renewable sources for the year 2020. Original author and source of the article

Growth Law

The Law of attraction says to us that everything what there is in our surroundings, emotional materials and are attracted by we ourself through our imagination. How it works? If we maintain a goal in our thought, will arrive the inspiration from how you will achieve your objective. According to the Law of attraction, Universal-Energy does not know time, space or size, also can show something small like a place where to park, a banking account, trips of pleasing, there are no limitations. We have the best thoughts when waking up, visualizing our goals, to feel we obtained that it. We daily make our list of gratitudes, if something we do not like: We are going to look for the positive and thus the attraction law sends more to us than we appreciated.

This is a game, to be favored with the Law of attraction, we are going to play to have much joy, happiness, vacations, a work that enchants to us, this is the game of the abundance. When we began to understand the Law of attraction, our life begins to change. The Universe shows to us possibilities and bring the inspiration to us so that we obtain our goals. The Law of attraction is freedom, gives us to be able to choose our destiny. I can be what I decide To be the Law of attraction gives energy us to the thought, is the necessary substance for the Law of Growth. When we thought, we spoke or we visualized deficiency, disease, desarmona: we create undesirable conditions; created by the subconscious mind and the Law of attraction.

When we criticized reason why we do not like: That we created: Thus the Law of attraction works, we attract what we have in our thoughts. We harvest what we seeded. What you think, you create. What sowings, harvests. It says the Law to us of attraction that each thought is a vibration, each thought modifies each atom of the body, each cell. All we know what it produces good vibrations to us, happy joy, memories to our mind, to caress our mascot, to play with that baby that as much we loved, to bring to our memory images of our vacations next to the sea. Our health depends on the law of attraction in ours interior, if we thought about the perfection, the true thing thus will be our health. Each cell of its body is intelligent and will respond to its direction. The cells are all creators and will create the exact landlord that you give them. Masterful key. Charles Haanel Following the attraction law, recognizing the power of our Being, we moved away the fears and we changed to disease by harmony and perfection, found the ideal man, fact to image and similarity of God. The attraction law gives energy to our thought. When we thought, we spoke or we visualized love, harmony, health, vitality, energy, youth we created harmonious situations with the perfection of our inner Being. God blesses to us and it gives the law to us of attraction for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.


Without a doubt, this kind of presentation is convenient and effective, but: the trainees have to remember it and remember all the training. We know that human memory inclined to act in a more recent information more distant in time, and very often after a half-hour presentation, we will not remember what was on the first slide. Of course, all this information will be at training participants in handouts, but the basic elements must remain in memory at once and permanently. The topic of training should be available during all the training. If the theme does not change the training, the training is carried out is not the first time and will be repeated, should make a poster with the theme of the training in the normal performance of printing and use at each training on this topic. If the situation is different and there is no possibility of printing clearance, you should use an A1 drawing paper, markers and tape for the design and placement of the training topics in a conspicuous place. Let's go further … And then – presentation trainer or trainers.

The question, "one coach, two or more?" We thoroughly discussed in the next article. Now let's dwell on the most common practice, one coach and a pair of trainers. If a coach, it's simple and clear – he himself and presents. If the coaches a couple, you need to define themselves: each represents himself or coaches are to each other. And he and the other options still valid, but remember: if a pair of trainers working for a long time, then there is no problem with the idea. If a large training company, and a pair of trainers can often be changed (personally in my practice and is: coaching a team of 16 people and is often about who will be a couple, you learn when you go to training already), is given the right to view every coach in person.

Infantile Education

Report in the Infantile Education In the lessons of days 14 the 16 of November of 2011, the responsible professor for the group of preparatory I carried through with the children some activities on the Environment, that could serve of awareness and incentive to the preservation of the same. Thus being, in the lesson of day 14, he showed to the pupils a video with varied images of the Environment, counting a history ' ' The fire in floresta' ' , the teacher commented that each one must make its part, with the objective of that they more than interassem the subject on which if she treated. Soon after, the room was divided in small groups, being requested that they created one historinha in quadrinhos, on the Environment through drawings and paintings. The pupils had put in practical its creativity and had created historinhas simple, but well interesting. To the end of the lesson, the majority of the groups had not concluded the work.

Then, it left to conclude it in the lesson of days 15 and 16. In these lessons, the pupils had concluded everything and been able to play in a game that the teacher it led, whose name was ' ' The Eficiente&#039 House; ' , that it dealt with the cares that we need to have inside of our house not to consume much electric energy, not to waste water and to separate the garbage correctly, thus preserving, of a simple form and insurance, our Environment. The pupils had adored the game and they had not been contented in playing only one time. With certainty, the pupils will go to apply the instructions that they turn in the game in its houses. Summarizing, the pupils had effectively participated of the activities proposals, making some excellent commentaries when counted history. He was commented with the pupils who each one must make its part in the protection to the Environment, when some pupils had said: ' ' Why necessary people to make our part if have a people mount that does not make its? If ' ele' garbage in the soil plays, I also goes to play! ' '. The teacher reaffirmed that each one must make its part and use its attitudes as example, so that the other people see and make the same.

Each one of us is basic part in the fight for the preservation ambient, therefore the teacher made question of that the children assimilated this well. I perceived that the educator in a simple lesson on the environment, very worked well the question of the conscience, and thus is possible to deal with the question the citizenship, unemployment, violence (contamination, pollution, also represent a violence, therefore it is aggression to the way), local sexuality (the groups of pupils were mixing, them if they had felt integrated) housing, ethics, health, subjects, cultural plurality and diversity. To the end of our work, I felt me rewarded, was a learning, despite well small, in the awareness of the pupils, of whom the necessary world of urgent cares, of the opposite we will not have a healthful future for our lives.