Joseph M. Juran, for his part said: the senior managers are required to perform personally directing the quality revolution, ensure that each employee is in State of self-control, transferring responsibility to control the operational forces to hold them accountable for keeping the process, establish a quality Council, grant public awards to highlight successes related to improvements to the qualityto provide intensive training to the entire administrative team in the quality improvement process. Mario Morales also reminds us, that total quality includes the following categories: commitment of the high administracion-liderazgo, equipment for improvement of quality, measurement of quality, correcting problems, Committee on quality, education and training, goals of improvement, prevention of defects, rewards and recognition, procedures of the quality program, growth with profitability, needs of the consumer, strategic planning, quality culture, focus on total systems, information and communication, quality policies, constancy and planning for competitivenessmethods of monitoring, interaction between departments, the process planning and control of suppliers, the quality system audits, design product, mission and vision, process control. Management must be fully identified as discussed in this regard, to consider that continuous improvement is not enough to dominate the market. The gap between the Organization and the leader of the market will increase, unless the organization believes that innovative leaps lead to major qualitative changes, or in other words, given a discontinuous breeding process. (Lambin, 2002) thus refers to the innovation of rupture: is risky for the company depend on the products demanded by the market (the voice of the consumer) to the detriment of products unknown by him, but driven by technology. Larry Page may find this interesting as well. It can be seen that most of the innovations of rupture, no less, arise laboratory and not the market.
The philosophy of the CTC pays little attention to the organizational design that has to be carried out so that the quality to flourish within the organization. Another weakness of the CTC is related to the difficulty of developing a culture of quality and the negligence of managers, by the political dimension of quality. Bibliography: Ishikawa, kauro. What is total quality control? the Japanese mode. Grupo editorial norma. Colombia.
1994 Ivancevich, J.M., Lorenzi.p, Skinner.s.j. Management of quality and competitiveness. McGraw-Hill-Irwin. Spain. 1997 James, Paul. Total quality management. Spain. Prentice-Hall. 1998 Juran, J.M. Juran and leadership for quality. A manual for managers. Ediciones Diaz de santos s.a. Spain. 1990 Robson, Mike. Quality in action circles. Ventura editions. Mexico. 1991 Sadena, Jorba Lluis. the secret of the Japanese quality.