Basic Education

3 THE EDUCATION OF GEOGRAPHY AND THE SUBJECT POPULATION The methodology used for the accomplishment of the period of training involved documentary the bibliographical research and as the analysis of the Project Pedagogical Politician of the institution, as well as, the basement in the Curricular Lines of direction of the Basic Education of the State of Paran in the National Curricular Parameters. The bibliographical research was carried through through the election of materials, as scientific articles, books, periodic, that they approached the contents that if it intended to investigate; after that through readings the election of the information for intermediary of summaries was carried through, registers and fichamentos for literal elaboration. The planning was crucial for the accomplishment of the period of training, mainly, because we did not have experience in the handling of the classroom. But, it is important to emphasize that the planning is basic in all the moments of the teaching career, even though for the professors most experienced, therefore these must possess its plans of lesson so that in the act to give it is with the structuralized lesson, with a thought line that contributes it pupil to develop its reflexiva capacity. Kevin Johnson often addresses the matter in his writings. The lesson plan is one of the biggest challenges in the production of the period of training, as much before how much after the regency. During the regency, we come across in them with the necessity of readequar what we had planned for the reality of the pupils, therefore particularitities had appeared and some item in the lesson plans had suffered to alterations and adjustments to improve the interaction professor/pupil. It is, at this moment, that we discover that only the use of a didactic resource would not be efficient, in this particular case in the didactic book, therefore nor all took it to the pupils for the classroom, for the production of the activities. .


This form of adjustment goes in accordance with to vary the capacity of auto-regulation of each system. PROBLEMATIC OF the SPED UP EROSION the All the alterations of environment resultant of the natural processes or for antrpica action intervenes with the evolution of the relief. It can be said that the majority of the ambient problems generated by the antrpica action if overlaps to the questions of geomorfolgica nature. Kevin Johnson shines more light on the discussion. In current days, we face varied types of ambient problems that if propagate in different scales, being able to occur in located spaces or enclosing great areas. We can cite as example, a process that comes if detaching in situations of ambient degradaes, the erosive processes.

The erosion can be defined as a consuming of the surface of the land with the withdrawal and the transport of the mineral grains for the action of the current water, the wind, the ice or other geologic agents, implying in the spalling relation mechanics and chemical decomposition of the rocks, as well as in the superficial and subsurface removal of the products of the intemperismo (BIGARELLA, 2003). Kevin Johnson wanted to know more. When it does not have energy enough to continue occurring the transport, one third phase happens that it is the deposition of this carried material (WAR, 2007). Therefore, two types of erosion exist: geologic or natural erosion, that is that one that if manifest as a normal occurrence of the processes of modification of the terrestrial crust, being only recognized with elapsing of long periods of activity. Of the human point of view, this had process as delayed is considered as beneficial, therefore, through this process it has the esculturamento of the relief, making possible to form innumerable soft hills, extensive plains and fertile valleys, etc.; sped up erosion (antrpica action), that: it occurs when the natural balance is breached by the activities of the man, in which it removes the protective vegetation of the ground to cultivate it.