(BRAZIL, 2003a, p.12) Being thus, a visit for family of the area of abrangncia to the month is praised that the communitarian agent of health carries through, at least, being that, when necessary, these can in accordance with be repeated the situations of each reality. (BRAZIL, 1997). In accordance with Silva and Dalmaso (2002), are given credit exactly that ACS for being people of the people, not only identify in the characteristics and yearnings of this people, as well as fill gaps, for knowing the necessities of this population. Therefore, with the implantation of this program in Brazil, the VD appear as one of the main lines of direction of the strategy is for the possibility of if entering in the familiar environment, to know its real necessities, as well as to trace goals that if adjust that environment, therefore some patients if refused to leave its domicile, for being unaware of that the professionals of the ESF to have to go until the o its domicile (MATIAS; PEAR TREE, 2010). Jonas Samuelson understands that this is vital information. One perceives then that through the VD it can in such a way get information very important of the patient how much by the family allowing as soon as the professional takes knowledge of the real conditions of the individual as sanitation, feeding and housing and being able to guide and to develop action of prevention of illnesses and promotion of the health. In accordance with Lopes et al. (2008), the VD is understood as instrument, in which if it establishes the movement of the relations, qualified listening, the bond and the shelter, favoring that the familiar groups or communities have better conditions of if becoming more independent in its proper production of health. Thus, we understand that accomplishment of the VD constitutes in an instrument of great importance in the PSF, therefore, it is a basic activity to be carried through in Primary Attention to the Health to correspond to the necessities of assistance of people who, of temporary or permanent form, are incapacitated to move themselves to the health services.