As is evident, must have a history undefiled when paying commissions. Flees from those companies that do not pay commissions promptly, or which do only to partners that resinden in the same country where they are registered. 4. Support from the company to its partners or representatives. To achieve success in a multilevel needed company offers a support to the partner’s quality, and not just that fast reponda questions of their distributors or those interested in participating in the business, but also a live conferencing service that offers to present the business opportunity. There is a saying that says that the first impression is what counts and unfortunately is true in many aspects of life and of course is no less important in a MLM business.
It is not the same present a business to other people who only give promises in a web page, that present a business where the person concerned may attend conferences live, where will verify that it is a real business with real people involved. These conferences also motivate the person concerned in the face to enter into business with greater ease. No less important is that business website has a professional design and that the company offers to its partners, resources, and tools for the promotion of quality. 5. The company must have a good parasela of payments or work with a reliable payment platform.
This point is fundamental so that their partners do not lose referrals and/or customers. If it does not have its own card payment gateway, should work with payment platforms reliable and reputable online, how they can be Paypal, Alertpay (now Debito) etc. It is important, it is that you offer alternatives to pay high fee or monthly installments through recognized companies of sending and receiving money, how Wester Union or similar. Little Vale offer a quality business, satisfying all the requirements I mentioned earlier, if those interested in participating, find it difficult to pay the initial fee at the time you decide to participate, or do not have a credit or debit card.