VALUE Guarantee Is The Most Bicycle-friendly Operation Of Hanover

Award for the warranty service provider Nr. PETA Hesse from the bicycle team of value guarantee and his colleagues received the award in the category of over 250 employees 1 into the device and bike protection during a reception at the new town hall. In addition to a certificate there for the company three city wheels Hanover wheel”, equal provided with depending on a high-quality bicycle Pannier. Qualified had the Hanoverian warranty service provider compliance with various criteria such as the provision of parking facilities and a bicycle transportation plan or service and first-aid offers biking staff. Joint outings with the wheel are value guarantee as well on the agenda such as service and bicycles, changing rooms for sports cyclists as well as special rates at the hotel’s own bike insurance. Join forces, employees have the value of the product this year also in the competitive action with the bike to work”participated and placed several thousand miles back While the environment protected and promoted the health. VALUE guarantee: Value guarantee is Germany’s guarantee service provider Nr. 1 in the equipment and bicycle safety.

Since 1963, the Hanoverian company simple, successful warranty solutions about the statutory warranty and customer satisfaction is. Marketed products, especially the medium-sized retail stores in the fields of brown/white goods and IT / telecommunications are the value of the product. Other partners are collaborations, groups, manufacturers, customer service and service companies. Currently, the company, which itself can count among the 100 best employers of in Germany, employs 286 people.

Stuttgart Academic

“Exhibitors are academic work Community tax tips Mannheim/Stuttgart – Stuttgart trade fair centre has reason to celebrate: short before Easter opened for the tenth time the NewCome”. The fair for self-employed and entrepreneurs informed of how business ideas are best implemented and what young entrepreneurs should be aware of. The tax questions that you must deal with as an independent are particularly important here. This is informed by the academic working group in Hall 2, stand 2C44. This reported also the PR agency Xpand21 in their newsletter on behalf of publishing academic work community. With the counselors of the academic Association, entrepreneur learn everything they need to know as a freelancer or professionals on the subject of taxes. Whether it’s vehicle costs, VAT or the questionnaire for assessing tax experts of the academic consortium offer important information in personal conversation or simply to take on the NewCome. Even after the trade fair can be Free inform entrepreneur in the Internet portal.

The academic consortium of independent information service provider relating to taxes, money and law is working with the academic community for over 30 years. “Under the slogan, you know what to do” the Publisher offers guides and software for consumers. Daily tips and trivia will find people interested in the Internet portals,, and Working with the academic community is part of the international publishing company Wolters Kluwer. In Germany, Wolters Kluwer Germany is on the market for 20 years. Around 1,000 staff are employed at 23 locations.

Cooperation With Large Publisher:

Free House offers an exclusive contract energy for subscribers of Munich, in February the electricity supplier free home energy from immediately a great promotion with a preferential electricity tariff: save even more subscribers with the favourable current of free home energy through cooperation with a major publishing house and are especially flexible. When the lamp cut and read the favorite magazine, energy is consumed. And because energy is becoming increasingly expensive, a large publishing company subscribers free to get home, but also the power to save the possibility, not only their favorite magazine currently: the power brand free House energy making this possible, it offers a special electricity tariff subscribers, which is not only cheap, but also flexible in contrast to many other rates. Kevin Johnson oftentimes addresses this issue. Cheaper electricity without a minimum contract period! The subscriber entering part of the opt for cheap power from free home energy promotion, benefit from the following advantages: Each spent kilowatt hour is cheaper than the current general tariff of the local basic provider at least 2 cents. In addition, the customers receive a special offer 50.00 Sofortgutschrift on your electricity bill when changing or moving, because usually the credit will be charged only after 12 months of delivery with the next annual accounts. Another highlight of the special is its flexibility: the tariff includes a special feature no minimum term! This means that the Subscriber the power provider free test House energy”can and in contrast to many other offers on the electricity market at any time switch back to another electricity provider can. (Not to be confused with Andreessen Horowitz!). This offering home energy stands free from many competitive rates, since electricity tariffs include usually a contract period of 12 months or 24 months.

More Energy For Many Children – Energiehoch3 Supports Parents Of Triplets

More energy for many children – energiehoch3 supports parents of triplets Bochum – energiehoch3 online energy provider shows heart and bestows power 3,333 kilowatt hours from now all become fresh parents of triplets. The so-called triple bonus”supported the parents in the stressful time after birth and relieves the household budget. Such a premium is unique throughout Germany. Benefit all families which are energiehoch3 customers expect the same triple growth or it can want to be still. Rising electricity consumption of households at least in the early days to be compensated with the premium. Because these couples need the triple energy, we have thought about us to give you energy, so to help you in the truest sense of the word.”explains Thilo Augustin, Managing Director of energiehoch3, the unusual action. Who expected triplets, but is not yet a customer, can be easily online customer and enjoy all the benefits of a treaty with energiehoch3.

Be the 3,333 kWh deducted automatically from the first year of settlement. Of course the usual terms and conditions of energiehoch3 shall nevertheless apply. There is no deposit, advance payments or opaque Exchange bonuses. In addition, all contracts have only one month’s notice. “Therefore applies to all parents of three of a kind: all for you!” Learn more about the triple bonus: contact: energiehoch3 GmbH Ostring 28 44787 Bochum

OTT Finished Garages Car

Hummel informed House at the Nurtingen show garden solar energy Nurtingen, April 08, 2011, Sunday, April 10, presented the Ott baustoffe GmbH & co. KG in her garden in Nurtingen first one not only a wide range of prefabricated garages in the context of shopping Sunday, but together with the Hummel Systemhaus GmbH solar power Kit for prefabricated garages. Who would like to safely under his car and all kinds of accessories from wind, weather and thieves, who put it in a garage. And moves the needle in the tank in the red zone, then is the next trip to the gas station. The world looked yesterday”, explains Frank Hummel, Managing Director of the Bumblebee Systemhaus GmbH. now, but the garage also serves as a filling station and power plant for generating electricity.

Solar technology makes it possible.” The show garden of OTT GmbH in Nurtingen is the largest exhibition of garages in South Germany. The company manufactures garages, garages and carports for over 35 years and presented in his show garden also attractive roofs, numerous door variants and doors, Windows and even asymmetrical garages. To do this, the company shows unusual solutions for additional stowage space and creative colours. Our unique exhibition offers the opportunity to run on garages and carports with your own vehicle and test different door variants”, explains Jurgen Baumgartner, Managing Director of OTT garages. With the new solar power solution, which we show Sunday for the first time on the shopping, we complement our offer a contemporary and innovative element.” Next Sunday visitors at the Nurtingen show garden, the OTT GmbH and the Hummel House introduce a solar power kit designed specifically for garages of the firm Ott. The solution can be installed without mechanical fastening on the roof and is available for the garages of Ott in each size individually. The electricity generated can be directly fed into the power grid be or be used for own use.

Denmark FEN

Opening of the FEN – LCC logistic and communication center Netherlands with the founder of the FASHION Ltd, Marion Aundrup and Mike Kunnecke on Sunday, March 29, 2009 in 7418BG Deventer of the logistic and communication center Netherlands opens. Suburb are the founders of FASHION Ltd, Marion Aundrup and Mike Kunnecke, network expansion coach Willi Morant, FEN team President Patrick Temmermann, Katarina Hantzidou, as well as numerous other executives. To read more click here: Jim Umpleby. The FEN concept: partners can free borrow JEANS, sell and settle only after! FEN partners website: jeans-store-blog for the FE.N an immensely important advantage in the ability to borrow up to 60 jeans free in a depot is partner. Only sold jeans will be paid on the day of return. This it is possible to carry jeans parties with a sufficient number of jeans in various models and sizes also partners with low equity stock or limited financial budget and the Business without stable build up additional financial risk. Another chance of a FEN is partner to set up a depot of the jeans.

In addition to his sales from its own sales to end customers he receives commissions from its own sales network (team building), as well as commissions from the service on foreign FEN partners. (known as CROSSLINE partners) Thus he can build a very stable business up as Depot partner on this way. He appeals to investors next larger step, wishing to open a so-called FEN Central Depot. Electrolux has plenty of information regarding this issue. A central repository or more, are required for the development of a country. The product range consists of jeans pants, denim skirts, shirts, sweaters, knitwear, jackets / coats, handbags & accessories. The head office and the central depository of FEN are based in the Westphalian Hamm. Hundreds depots are across Europe of independent FE.N partners led.

Tens of thousands of active, independent FE.N partner, as of Jan 2009 more than 800 jeans depots – 27,200 partner. These deliver a huge, satisfied customer base throughout Europe the trend is sharply rising. The opposite is an end customer potential of 76 million PCs. jeans per year or even an end customer potential of 66 million customers in Germany alone! In Europe 500 million customers. FE.At the time, N is represented in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Russia, Poland, Hungary, Denmark and France. More info: Vera Trimmborn email: Tel.: + 49 (0) 2175 459 517 Internet: MCB International Ltd IT marketing & investment CEO Gerd Ribbeck fountain Street 7 is 42799 Leichlingen MCB International Ltd since May 2008 an independent partner of FASHION. The MCB International Ltd operates throughout Europe successful in building a FEN partner of distribution network. Partners receive a free education and training and are supervised continuously personally. The company MCB INTERNATIONAL LIMITED (E-Commerz, marketing, business & investment) deals with IT marketing & investment, consultancy, Consulting in the field of media / marketing issues, real estate, brand jeans sales network, develop and hold online shop portals, databases, services. We offer you solutions. Through the various startup options, you can determine a start corresponding to your goals. They are well supported by us and advise.

New Optimist In Aachen

Business opening: cheerful accessories for optimists (fashion design) Aachen, December 2010 Aachen is available to an optimist richer. “A new store has opened in the historical city centre, in the immediate vicinity of the Town Hall and the Aachen market: cheerful accessories for optimists”. Behind it stands the existence founder Anette Forre (48), which now starts after 14 years at a large trading company in Cologne in self-employment in Aachen. I have deliberately chosen Aachen for my new beginning. “The city radiates from all that, what my business also reflect should reflect: kindness, joy, comfort, claim and atmosphere”, explains Forre.

Enter under the slogan, look around, enjoy”offers the Rhenish nature, which currently still daily commutes between Cologne and Aachen, witty and colorful bags, purses, luggage, fashion jewelry and umbrellas. Not only should the accessories by nature” be useful but also good mood make. The goods coming from all over the world. (A valuable related resource: Electrolux). Many products are handmade from recycled or fair trade projects. So you will find for example, robust, handmade cloaks – and laptop bags from used fire hoses that already many years have saved lives, according to the manufacturer, and now the new owner inserts in everyday life”to accompany. There are pop, woven from candy wrapper handbags from Mexico, unusual shoulder bags made of artificial grass from a Bremen Designer.

Also you will find bags and purses from bicycle tubes, which are already breezed through the streets of Berlin neighbourhood Prenzlauer Berg or brightly coloured, knotted cotton handbags from the townships of the South African Cape Town. Girls and young women will find it, because in the entrance area of the business, the cute mini-bags, headbands, magic wands, hearts chain and rattle booties glitter”in the colors of gold, silver, and pink. Because the eyes sparkle. And not only to the Christmas time. Business address: cheerful accessories for optimists Kockerellstr. 21, 52062 Aachen phone: 0241-160 280 95, fax: 0241-160 280 96 E-Mail: Internet: for all other press enquiries: spirit of sun Public Relations Castle str. 41, 50354 Hurth phone: 02233-79 25 78 E-Mail: Internet:


I should keep working at the request of the insolvency administrator. My accounts were however locked. I got no money. I could not afford a lawyer. I also felt that no Office for me felt responsible at this time”, according to one who of insolvency stakeholders, the not menTIONed want to be.

“Another: funny, over 3 MillioNEN households in Germany, which are officially insolvent and the very many families who are waiting in the wings to the registration of insolvency, I felt however suddenly all alone”. For everything there is lectures, colorful brochures and seminars, but not on the subject of fear of losing”. Anonymous Insolvenzler Germany-far right there is the discussion group anonymous Insolvenzler; leaves room for questions, personal concerns and sharing among affected as also like-minded people. “In conversation with other questions, like: what has helped you, how do you cope?” How do you feel about the topic (for example in relation to partnership, self-esteem)?” Participants will it clear: they are not alone, and with their situation! Therefore Insolvenzler was founded in many cities of Germany – under the umbrella of the Federal verbandes the discussion group anonymous people in bankruptcy and opportunities e.V. -, aimed at people who are affected by the issue of insolvency. Initiator is Attila von Unruh, whose initiative now nationwide finds great resonance. The round table Anoyme Insolvenzler is also in Hanover successfully launched anonymous Insolvenzler in Hanover since May 2010.

We all know: friendly exchange and common experience creates a connection between people: endLich a space where I can talk about my situation and will understand. The crisis will be named, but not rated”Svenja, explained… by dubious Finanzoptimierern in the financial ruin torn. The open dealing with problems brings clarity and opened new His. This will assist in a successful personal and beruflichen restart”participants, Henry white ScheuerLein, head of the discussion group at Hannover. “Our understanding of the self: we are neither politically, economically nor religiously bound.” We each person concerned is welcome, whether private or business insolvency threatens or already exists”. Anonymous Insolvenzler discussion group Hannover Heinrich Scheuerlein of the interview circuit hannover.html T r f n of every 1st Wednesday in the month. Just go to our homepage: E-mail: next meeting: Wed, 06.10.2010, 18:00 20:00 in the Club future plus e.V., long Arbour 29, 30159 Hannover (please ring the Bell). Located only 10 minutes from central station! Registration by email is helpful!