The history of electricity refers to the study and use of electricity, the discovery of their own laws as a physical phenomenon and the invention of devices for their use. The phenomenon, outside of his relationship with the human observer, has no history; and if it is considered as part of the natural history, it would be the same as time, space, matter and energy. As it is also called electricity to the scientific branch that studies the phenomenon and the branch of technology that is responsible for implementing it, the history of electricity is the branch of the history of science and of the history of technology which deals with its emergence, development and evolution. One of its initial milestones may be around 600 BC, when Thales noted that rubbing a rod of amber with a skin or wool, obtained small loads (triboelectric effect) which attracted to small objects, and that long time rubbing could cause the appearance of a small spark. Near the Greek city of Magnesia is they were called stones from Magnesia, which possessed magnetite. The ancient Greeks noted that the pieces of this material attracted between them, and also to small iron objects. Electricity has evolved since the perception of the phenomenon to its scientific treatment, which would not be systematic but until the 18th century. Were recorded along the ancient age and average other (rather isolated) observations as well as medical intuition (use of electric fish in diseases such as gout and headaches) referred to by authors like Plinio the elder and Scribonius long, or archaeological objects as diverse as questionable interpretation, at this point refer to the Baghdad batteryan object found in Iraq in 1938, dated in 250 BC, which resembles an electrochemical cell.