
Have you ever listened to someone talk about the power of mind, you might want talk with the then that read this. Let’s do a simple exercise, let’s try the power of the mind follows. The exercise of the lemon. Sit comfortably. Loosen clothing that you tighten and forget your worries. Take a deep breath and relax. Think of a lemon.

Now you see its yellow color and texture. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Stuart Solomon. Notes to touch the shape of its shell and the shape of its ends, as well as the feeling of his weight. Imagine a sharp knife and cut in half. Notes the strong and penetrating odour that brings you back memories; you hit one half and you see the drops of juice thrown. Enjoying the smell. Then, you move closer to your mouth and pass the language by the freshly cut part. You realize the acid and powerful taste of fruit.Look at how much saliva you have produced. Try to imagine what you just read, about seeing sharply a lemon with your mind.

You’ve managed to do this correctly?, this is just a small sample of how powerful that is the mind. You were to ask, and you have to see the power of the mind with entrepreneurship Use your mind and look at yourself as you would like to be in the future. did it?, I can imagine on a yacht sailing along the beaches of the world, try it, it feels really good, this is a way to give you encouragement when you’re starting to start your business and things are not easy to say. Uses your mind, focus on what you want, imagine it as if it were real, feeds your desire to succeed, and launch yourself, we are like a mirror, the world reflects what we are, if we are going down the street walking in a bad mood with scowling, most people look at you like, and will have a concept of you being a person of few friends, few fleas, bullying, anti-social etc.

Multiple Sclerosis

The degenerativas neurological diseases, are called Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, amitrfica lateral Sclerosis, etc, are a painful suffering for undergoes those who it and with the aggregate of not having another expectation of a palliative that them of as soon as a small improvement in its quality of life. One denominates degenerativas because exactly in accordance with its development in the body of the patient is degenerating areas and functions. The scientific community generally accepts that it does not have cures for these diseases, take care of itself to the end to give an improvement expectation and they are only dedicated to contain to the patient in the best one of the cases, according to ” librito” to follow. In the same way, they have accepted to prescribe a drug (interferon) that is only a palliative, but the con indications and the consequences do not say to him to the patient that this can have in its body. For many doctors the Interferon is its unique argument, always under the suspicion that the laboratory ” premiar” to prescribe those who it.

Its cost is very lifted to such point that many patients must go a its governments so that he subsidizes his treatment. There but the suspicions do not finish, many of the investigations on new treatments begin to be discredited before they come to the public light by is doing those who them. The work of the laboratory it follows the one to him to test in cobay and in humans, it is there where the lobby of the laboratories prevents the pursuit of the investigation. Thus they were interrupted investigations done by Cancer, HIV, Diabetes, etc. In recent years, one has spread that some diseases ” DES mielinizantes” they are cause of a virus that ” come” the mielina. Until now one knew that these were immune diseases car. Nevertheless, medical groups in Mexico and Spain maintain therefore it from 2009, but they have until now not developed a treatment.

Long before, an Argentine doctor who maintaining this same theory has developed a treatment with natural grass with significant results in a great number of patients of different countries. Doctor Omar Ayrad, has come working with patients of these diseases in almost quiet form, until in 2006 the mother of one of her patients decided to give diffusion him so that other people can accede to the treatment that cured to its daughter of Multiple Sclerosis. In the Web site she will find but information about these natural treatments, testimonies of people who have been with Doctor Ayrad and also journalistic news articles and information like the one about a cured Brazilian boy the muscular dystrophy and that the local newspaper exposes in first flat one. Doctor Omar Ayrad also treats other diseases like Lupus, Cancer, Leukemia, Hepatitis, Psoriasis, Talasemia. Www.buenasnuevasensalud.