Tales From The Firing Line Of Business

This article refers to the competence of career opportunities and explore issues such as internal growth opportunities, potential for advancement, career development importance, and the relationship between job performance and career development. Evaluate opportunities for professional competence in your organization will determine if employees believe they have the opportunity to grow within the organization. Studies show that lack of career opportunities is one of the main reasons why employees leave the organization. In addition, recruitment of open positions continuously from outside the organization can be detrimental to morale when a qualified candidate is available internally. Topics covered in this competency are: perceived opportunity for advancement, the existence of a plan for career development, and organizational commitment to personal development. This article, Career Opportunities and Retention of employees, is part of the compilation AlphMeasure, Tales of Corporate fronts. He tells how one company changed procedures to offer new types of career opportunities to their workers and improve retention of employees in general. Anonymous Presentation Careers and Retention of employees during the last decade, the company I work for has gone through many changes from the way it hires, promotes and utilitizes its greatest asset – their employees.

"Human capital" is the phrase often in the business literature. I'm not sure I like the sound of it, but I must admit it is an accurate description. As human resources manager, I was asked to review the results of our recent survey of employee satisfaction, and choose a category of interest and prepare a report with possible solutions.