The Obligation And The Love The Chronic God

The obligation and the love the God We need in elapsing of our lives, to separate what you make for obligation and what you make for love, at least we must try. To work, to give accounts with the society, if to become a worthy citizen, this you make for obligation, to take care of of the children, to serve the God, this you you make for love. But and when the obligation comes folloied of the love. Nor everything what we make, really is obligator, as well as nor everything is love. What we know is that we have the duty to honor our commitments, to fulfill with our obligations that many times even pass unobserved for we ourselves. Now the question took that me to write this article is simple or not, it goes to depend on the point of view of each one. As it is its relationship with God, but necessarily with Jesus Christ. It will be that to go the mass all the sundays, to fulfill with its paper of Christian, to confess the least a time per year, to pray, to pardon, if to donate the next one, to read the Bible and as much other things.

You make for love or simply for obligation. When you go the mass in the sunday, this fulfilling an obligation, but when she participates of the other days also, or even though of groups of conjunct, in end when she engages yourself in some work to serve the God. With certainty this makes everything (what still it is little), simply for love. Because we want to repay what the proper God has made and makes for us to each day. to work for Its Kingdom is a form to thank for all the blessings that It has in the proportionate one.

But also an alert one goes here. Everything what to make the God, makes for love, and still will be little, the visa of what It made and makes for us. Nor always we are made use to go for the church, to pray, to compliment the people or even though to give a simple smile. It is at this moment that is the doubt, I go for obligation or love, in this in case that the love enters. The pardon is a love act and is dom of God. Who only has Christ, possesss this virtue to pardon. I believe that nobody pardons the other for obligation and yes for love. It has decisions that we take that it is for obligation, but what it prevails are the love. one more time I ask for, everything what to make the God, it makes for love, it continues fulfilling with its obligations, with its duty. But of everything this, only difference that goes to be valid the penalty in elapsing of all its existence goes to be things that you to make for love, because the obligation will be always an obligation that goes to pass, as soon as it will be concluded, but the love will be always something that goes to remain and will give the true direction in its life. After all, obligation and love of certain form walk together.