If it was observing that modern science appears of religious dasdoutrinas and ethical elements, or that the organization of the state Russops-revolutionary kept practical and structures of the capitalism which se' ' opunha' ' , Weber gave clear indications to a intent reader of whom haviapercebido it that what to present determined one it appeared as ' ' oposto' ' ' only semostrava in the future as a shade; ' diferente' ' of the same gradual scale. Now, we will say briefly on omodo as the subject treated here if it incases in the remain of the work. Ours it will missoser to present aspect essential of the historical causalidade in function to delater that necessarily to express itself in the composition of a direction for historical aperspectiva, composition this that if of always of a maneiraretrospectiva, that is, part of a gift in devir in direction to one passado' ' intensively infinito' ' , of complex delimitation. This part of the work to querdar account to think the scope of the historical causalidade of the point of view of suarelao with the way as the citizen cognoscente, the historian, can interferirnaquilo wants would be the tram ' ' real' ' of the past. It was common to previous historians the Weber (and unhappyly aindahoje) when turning itself the past to forget two elements central offices to it quecompe this its action: he forgets yourself, in first place, that the gift qualpartem it, armed with its concepts in direction to the past, he did not stop to pass while its judgments pronounce ecomparaes (conceptual), and, therefore, it finishes acting as if to pudesseseparar itself of ' ' reality currently vivida' ' to reach a dopassado immovable point thus. The second recklessness, consequence of this first one, is that qualquerfenmeno description, in the measure where only comes to be known through luzesque is launched it by a gift that is its continuation, has necessariamenteque to acquire sensible and distinct meanings.