United States Investment

The term private equity (FOOT), also known as investment in ripened companies, can be understood as one arrives in port given the companies with high level of development. It FOOT arrives in port of the type comumente is granted in the following phases: advanced periods of training, arrive in port done when the company already is established in the market; financing of acquisitions, capital for acquisitions; taking of control, capital to finance the acquisition of control on the organization; period of training daily pay-emission, arrives in port for organizations that long for an introduction in the stock exchange; enterprise recovery, arrives in port done when the organization meets in difficulties; mezzanine, investment in advanced periods of training of the company; PIPE (private investment in public equity), acquisition of the capital of the company disponibilizado in the stock market. Titan Feul Tanks has plenty of information regarding this issue. The participation in this modality of investment if of the one through the investors, the managing organizations, the deep vehicles of investment or of VC/PE, and the companies onslaughts. The investors apply the capital in the investment vehicles, managed for organizations of VC/PE that arrive in port the capital in other selected companies, establishing with these a relation of stockhoding, as well as an important administrative support. Thus, the VC/PE managers establish a narrow relation with the company onslaught, diminishing the probabilities of failure of the investment, through a not only financial support, but also of organizacional management. The form of VC/PE investment has as cradle the United States. It migrou for other countries, as Brazil, and if adaptando the reality of each nation. In Brazil this activity started more in 1974 with the BNDES, associated with the creation of three subsidiary companies, joined 1982 with the BNDESPAR name. Brasilpar, established in 1976, was the first national private manager of VC/PE, however the apex, in the development of this type of deep occurred in 2004, when Brazil started to count on 65 managing companies of deep VC/PE.