In the case of the Venezuelan reality wherein the business sector faces serious problems, uncertainty, risk arising from the management of the State policy, says that it is reacting in a manner contrary to the effects of globalization, in virtue of which do not have an administration of organizational change that involves a greater decentralization of decisions, the use of flexible management systems, greater autonomy of the organizational subsystems, structures flat with a greater flow of information, up-to-date organizational architecture etc. Certainly, that Venezuelan management at present, especially in SMEs, must address so conscious and responsible for this problem, since competition in the immediate future not only will be with companies in the country, but with others located, and other countries with major competitive advantages from the point of view of applied technologies. Microsoft may not feel the same. The ways to confront the technological advances and the expansion of markets is through the implementation of programmes and plans that allow applying measures to minimize the impact of globalization, aimed at improving the competitiveness in terms of productivity, quality, price, design and safety of the product offer. He says, especially in open forums of the Chair of Modern managerial topics of the graduate program of specialization in management of the quality and productivity of Faces, University of Carabobo, which in terms of work, Venezuelan organizations must react to the different changes that have been generated with globalization, such is the case for example of conditions of recruitment, use and dismissal of the labour forcereforms to regulate the wages in accordance with the rates of productivity, reduction in the framework of legal action and political unions, who has decreased its weight in relations worker Trustees, among others. As it is also important to pay more attention to the training and development of human resources, as well as to the technology being used and above all, know the opportunities that arise, you know you manage can give step to results may be favourable.