When larvae die, they fall into the soil to be swallowed by the larvae of a new generation of mosquitoes. These crystals form many viruses and only viruses of insects. But this inactive form of the virus in the form crystal, it does not breed, but only experiencing adverse conditions. The famous physicist E. Schrodinger once called chromosome "aperiodic crystals". Indeed, the nuclear material during cell division in an orderly, formally it can be called a crystal, as can be called a book of crystal from the pages.
But during the "packaging" into the chromosome of nuclear material (chromatin) is inactive, and the chromosome itself – only a transfer of chromatin from cell to cell. In short, the ordered structure of crystals – the ordering of the cemetery, a system with a minimum free energy. Ordered structure of the organism in the process of life – this is the ordering of the car pipeline. For its maintenance and reproduction of the next generation of the body must absorb energy in the form of photons, or non-oxidized organic compounds, simple matter, and to allocate the oxidized products life. This is the metabolism, it is not an end in itself.
"Everything flows" – said Heraclitus of Ephesus (the well-known aphorism came to us, right from the words of others, as Heraclitus himself as Socrates, preferring to present their views in interviews). This particularly applies to a living organism. He – the flow through which is continuously moving energy and matter – elements for a reconstruction of the structures.