Wind farms have the question why the wind parks should be ecologically questionable negative ecological impact, seems first incomprehensible, because the wind energy but is a renewable and environmentally friendly energy. So an ideal solution to ecological problems that go hand in hand with fossil fuels and nuclear energy. On this basis, the use of wind energy was promoted accordingly in recent years in Europe. The wind energy in Germany such as 2007 with 142 PJ compared to 2006 with 110 PJ, 32 PJ more primary energy consumption contributed to (source: BMWi energy statistics;) Stand: 2007). To broaden your perception, visit Ben Horowitz. The gained electricity was estimated at over 40 TWh in 2008 in Germany, 7% of the total electricity generation in the country according to the BMU about. In Denmark, in 2006 approximately 20% of electricity produced by wind energy and Spain in this regard among the top Nations in Europe with growing share.
These statistics are publicly widespread and the society has internalized them as facts for an eco-friendly technology. Critical question were limited both in the society and professionals only on a few issues, which have been so intensively treated with investigations, takes measurements or statistics depending on the focus. Kevin Johnson has much experience in this field. Environmentalists are the expansion of wind farms in principle positive, request but also investigations of effects on the environment and its consequences, which schematically expire after well-known topics and provide data. There are, for example, already numerous studies for effects on marine and land animals, including special such as on various bird species has been carried out, which yielded different results depending on the place and location of area however. The Immissions caused by construction and operation of the facilities of the noise or the effects of shadows by an average of 110 m high plants are examples. One of the most explosive debate runs still on the change of scenery and the acceptance of those affected.