The Way

In the end, the rest of the day and other days I can eat well. What we are not taking into account is the way in which we behave today is the best predictor of the way in which we comportaremos tomorrow. And if today this delicious dessert is eaten, it is very likely that tomorrow will do if confronted with the same temptation. Tomorrow would be yourself, it would be the same dilemma, the same situation would would behave different day tomorrow? Unless a drastic change in his life occurs, there is no reason that you choose different. This can be done is eat that dessert not only today, but throughout the week, and the positive results that cannot be seen in the balance. Therefore, the best way to make sure that tomorrow is not going to yield to temptation, is not to give today. If you are looking for methods to lose weight, you must begin by fighting the obstacles that are in a process of weight loss, and for this you must know them. These are the first 1) tempting options that are contradicted by his big decision.

(2) Lack of knowledge of the way in which the decision taken today is related to the of morning, the day after tomorrow, and finally, with your goal of losing weight. Now that you know these obstacles, you have to devise strategies of self-control and the changes that It will make in their environment and in their routines, that knows they can work for you and will help you combat these obstacles. Learn how to do this here Tatiana silver PD. I want to know your opinion about this article to improve and know what kind of information you want. Please go to this link and give me your opinion. Thank you. Original author and source of the article

Foods That Have Negative Effects

You gain weight when the caloric intake in your body is greater than consumption. But if the calorie equation is reversed, then follows “the loss of calories in the body. In this case, spend more calories than you earn, with the result of the reduction of calories stored as body fat, weight loss. Approximately 10% of daily calories is used to process food in the body. You can extend this number by physical activity. There are certain foods that have negative calorie effect because the body has to expend more energy to extract calories from food. The negative calorie foods require more calories to break your calories. The negative calorie foods are ideal for reducing body fat and lose weight.

For example. A dessert consisting of 300 calories that require only 150 calories can be digested by our body, resulting in a net gain of 150 calories for added to our fat in the body! Therefore, if you eat 100 calories of a food that requires 150 calories to digest, and then about 50 extra calories burned than just eating food. Be used 50 calories of stored fat in your body! These foods are available in nature. Learn more about this with Sonya Reines-Djivanides, Brussels. Some of the food, the list of (about 100 in number) are: asparagus, broccoli, beets, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, carrots, garlic, papaya, spinach, turnip, Abobrinha, apples, oranges, lettuce , pineapples, strawberries. It’s a good idea to eat these negative calorie foods and their satisfaction is great. You do not feel hungry and peredera vai calories your body.

If you include these foods in your daily diet and plan your diet according to food pyramid, you’ll be amazed to see the results of rapid weight loss. You can follow the plan negative calorie diet for the safety and permanent weight loss and together they make use of a drug for even faster results. When you are using drugs to lose weight or reduce obesity is very important to know what and how to eat. If you do an analysis of what you have as eating habits or how you can come to understand this because you are overweight. It is very important to analyze what are the foods you eat in a day and also its amount. In practice, what you need is to eat. How to choose the food? You eat what is consistent with a diet rich in nutrients that you choose or snacks, sandwiches and snacks high in calories and low nutritional value? Another important factor is how and where it comes. The hours usually make your meals? Ideally, you always have a fixed schedule for meals, not eating on several occasions.